"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Good morning everyone.

I started my day with a guy wanting some turkeys. I wish I could record some of these conversations so you all could hear. How can people expect to buy ADULT birds for $10.00 and below? I get so sick and tired of hearing everyone's sob story about how they can't afford this and how they can't afford that. Well, if you are that low on funds, then why do you want animals? I am getting so irritated with these calls and with these people. I could care less about your money problems and what you "weren't expecting to pay for a bird". WHO CARES??????!!!!!!!!! :mad: When I go to the feed store once a month and buy a ton of feed, the people that own the store don't want to hear about the money that I have to spend on feed right? So, I feel the same way. And don't ask me to trade/swap my healthy birds for your sick, scrawny, lack of nutrition birds. I DO NOT do animal swaps! The only swaps that I do are money swaps.

Ok, now I feel better that I have gotten that off my chest.

:barnie :barnie :barnie :barnie

Have a good day !!!!! :frow

Tell him to buy a turkey at market basket near thanksgiving for $0.35 a pound, can't get cheaper than that and no feed bill. Where do you find these people??? And how do they think you will ever give them anything while being assured they don't have the money to properly care for them???


:lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau :lau

You are absolutely right.

And this guy has called me back 3 times already after I talked to him this morning. I didn't even answer my phone and he didn't leave a message. I don't have time for FOOLISHNESS !!!!!!! :smack

I needed that laugh this morning. :lau :lau :lau :lau

Thanks for that.
Good morning everyone.
Good news on the broilers, everyone survived the night and I will be starting them on FF tomorrow. The two really small ones slept in the feed bin and almost doubled their size overnight catching up to the rest of them. One thing I think is strange is that these 2 day olds are already growing feathers on their wing tips, my layers took a week and a half to start that. They didn't like the bigger brooder with two lights, so they moved back to the smaller one with one light and are really perky.
Seems like a lot of people these days want "something for nothing"!  We now live in the "gimme" generation. 

We have always lived in a gimme generation. Since the beginning of letting people have food stamps, welfare and other assistance is what makes people lazy and want something for nothing. If I can get up every morning and go to work and been doing it since I was 14 then I feel that the next person can. It's called life. It's called responsibility. It's called working hard. It's called not being a burden to someone else.

And if you can't find a job, take matters into your own hands and learn a trade and start your own business. Be a productive citizen and stop producing kids that you can't afford to take care of.

Ok. Thats my soap box for today. Carry on.
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just a general reply here,-- it could be people haven't done the research and they just remember grandma having a bunch of chickens running around and didn't think she even fed them? that they're birds, so they must've just run around eating bugs and grass. and if you can buy a baked hen from walmart for $10 or less, then the live birds must not cost much?

me. we've got a yard, coop, cages, and so on. so now - i'm just trying to find a good deal on birds (and other critters) we want.

no rush. we already have BSFL and mealworms going (second generation of mealies FINALLY). the little lady picked up a 3 year old RIR hen the other day, soooooo, we're just kinda looking for, i think, she wants ameracaunas. if i'm talking to someone and trying to talk them down on the price - i'm just haggling at this point in the game. but, i don't say we can't afford it... if it's real close to payday i MIGHT have to go over finances and see if we can afford $50 for this or that, vs having to wait until payday. heck, i might start offering bugs as part of a trade for critters. who knows, folks might want to do partial trades for starter colonies of bsfl/mealies.

edit: ooooo, or silkworms. which is our latest project. the babies just hatched a couple of days ago. :)
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just a general reply here,-- it could be people haven't done the research and they just remember grandma having a bunch of chickens running around and didn't think she even fed them? that they're birds, so they must've just run around eating bugs and grass. and if you can buy a baked hen from walmart for $10 or less, then the live birds must not cost much?

me. we've got a yard, coop, cages, and so on. so now - i'm just trying to find a good deal on birds (and other critters) we want.

no rush. we already have BSFL and mealworms going (second generation of mealies FINALLY). the little lady picked up a 3 year old RIR hen the other day, soooooo, we're just kinda looking for, i think, she wants ameracaunas. if i'm talking to someone and trying to talk them down on the price - i'm just haggling at this point in the game. but, i don't say we can't afford it... if it's real close to payday i MIGHT have to go over finances and see if we can afford $50 for this or that, vs having to wait until payday. heck, i might start offering bugs as part of a trade for critters. who knows, folks might want to do partial trades for starter colonies of bsfl/mealies.

edit: ooooo, or silkworms. which is our latest project. the babies just hatched a couple of days ago. :)

Her problem is that it is the same couple of people that e-mail her and call her everyday complaining that they can't afford the costs and want cheaper. Dealing on a price is one thing its part of the LA way, but treating her like a welfare office is another. These people are harassing her on a regular basis. She has a website http://happyacresfarm.webs.com/ listed on her profile and I am sure she gives it to her customers as well. It list prices, what she has for sale, offers advice on setup, and what she has in general. If you read the posts she makes she tries to keep people informed. Her prices are also reasonable, there is no call for how they treat her.
Here is what I did today. Ahhhh, retirement. I found a broken up bench that someone put out as trash. I loaded it in my car and today put it back together. I'm going to paint it and put it in the chicken yard for chicken watching. It is very heavy and sturdy (now lol). It was very rickety when I picked it up.


Excellent work on the bench! I am all for good recycling!

Julie -- I agree 100% on the "gimme" mentality. I am beyond fed up with it. Let me share with you all my latest example:

I married my husband 3 years ago. His previous marriage had lasted 20 years and had ended badly. I knew when I married him that I was also taking on his 4 kids and grandkids in addition to my own children, as well as his elderly disabled uncle. NO ONE in the family would take his uncle in...so my husband did. Ornery? Yes. But he has a heart of gold. Three weeks ago, said uncle received a phone call he didn't understand so he handed the phone to me. It was a collection agency wanting $1400 dollars for a cell phone bill with AT & T. Ha! I immediately knew who to suspect, and was correct. I carried him down to the local AT&T office with his driver's license for identification (because the account had a lock pin added to it so they wouldn't discuss it over the phone without id). Low and behold--surely enough for the past 8 years my husband's ex-wife has had this account. She ran up charges over Christmas and then canceled the account. My husband called her and she had one excuse after another about why that bill isn't "her responsibility" and she "isn't paying it." I was raised with a different set of morals -- you get what you earn! I dragged the poor old man and his oxygen tank to press charges. Seriously--if the man hadn't sold his portion of family land to my husband then they would be putting a lien on the property until that bill was paid. What kind of person does this to another defenseless human? I am waiting for the sheriff's department and/or karma to really give her what she deserves.
Excellent work on the bench! I am all for good recycling!

Julie -- I agree 100% on the "gimme" mentality. I am beyond fed up with it. Let me share with you all my latest example:

I married my husband 3 years ago. His previous marriage had lasted 20 years and had ended badly. I knew when I married him that I was also taking on his 4 kids and grandkids in addition to my own children, as well as his elderly disabled uncle. NO ONE in the family would take his uncle in...so my husband did. Ornery? Yes. But he has a heart of gold. Three weeks ago, said uncle received a phone call he didn't understand so he handed the phone to me. It was a collection agency wanting $1400 dollars for a cell phone bill with AT & T. Ha! I immediately knew who to suspect, and was correct. I carried him down to the local AT&T office with his driver's license for identification (because the account had a lock pin added to it so they wouldn't discuss it over the phone without id). Low and behold--surely enough for the past 8 years my husband's ex-wife has had this account. She ran up charges over Christmas and then canceled the account. My husband called her and she had one excuse after another about why that bill isn't "her responsibility" and she "isn't paying it." I was raised with a different set of morals -- you get what you earn! I dragged the poor old man and his oxygen tank to press charges. Seriously--if the man hadn't sold his portion of family land to my husband then they would be putting a lien on the property until that bill was paid. What kind of person does this to another defenseless human? I am waiting for the sheriff's department and/or karma to really give her what she deserves.

Karma sometimes takes a while, the Sheriff's Department will be quicker. Afterwords I am sure you will get a "poor pity me" followed by "but the world owes me", or something of the like. This is what are being brought up now. At least she was smart (or stupid) enough to put a pin on the phone account. I am sure somewhere they have a recording or memo for when she set that up. I feel bad for your uncle in law.

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