"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Armadillos do that to my garden digging for ants :/

I know I'm posting on the wrong quote, but wondering how you manage the bunny leavings (solid and liquid) when the bunny is in the house. My buns are big producers of leavings and we would love having them in the house some. I did buy premie diapers, but then thought it would make it go all over their bottoms. Don't know. Just wondering.
Yep x2

Feathers are warm (goose down comforter) comes to mind here. LOL

I use tarps and fasten down like a tent. Also have wood pieces that go on the sides of the coops. I leave the front end open (south facing). Be sure to give sufficient ventilation (very important). On the few bitter bitter cold nights I used a heating lamp not too close to them but just to wRm the air around them, but honestly that was probably more for me than them.
Ah, rant time! I am so upset right now! A few weeks ago my sister-in-law told me she was getting a new puppy, and I reminded her of the dog that had parvo all over her property less than a year ago. She told me she remembered and wasn't bringing the puppy home until it had ALL of its shots. That made me feel better. The puppy came to her home yesterday and I thought it was small, chihuahua puppy sized, but I didn't know how old the puppy was and assumed it must have been old enough to get its shots and didn't worry about it. Today I just discovered the puppy is only just 6 weeks old, and hasn't had a single shot. She thinks not bringing it outside will keep her safe... but if you know parvo you know it can be carried on clothes and shoes from outside, like the shoe she gave the puppy to chew on for example! That's another thing. I tried to tell her you CANNOT teach a puppy to eat a shoe and expect it to NOT eat the shoes you don't want eaten but got totally blown off. So this tiny puppy is completely exposed to parvo with no vaccinations whatsoever. :mad:   :rant :hit  

You need to send your sister a link on parvo to read. This pup is to young to be away from its mother 8 weeks would have been better. The age from 7 to 12 weeks is very important in K-9 development. Anything negative done during this time will affect the dog all its life. I'll rant with you I love all animals but have a special place in my heart for Dogs.

Love your chicks!!1 Pam
Ahhh....that stinks!!  About 5 years ago, we adopted a dog from St Tammany Animal Shelter.  We had picked her out when she was still with her mama.  At 6 weeks they called and said to come get her!  She came with her shots....AND parvo, coccidia (probably spelled wrong), and hookworms!!!  $900.00 later...we had a trip planned and my parents were watching her, grandma said the dog wasn't dieing on her watch!!!  A side note, we had just had to put down our dog of 11 years.  We were in a very emotional time.  When I called St Tammany, they offered to take the dog back.....SERIOUSLY?!?!?!  Idiots!!!

Sorry to ramble...I understand A LOT about parvo!!!  It's a horrible thing to go through.  It usually doesn't have a good outcome.  Her yard, etc. is definitely contaminated.  I know mine was and that played a large part of us waiting for so long to add another dog to our family.

On the shoe note,  people don't think ahead to what they are creating.  It's not cute when the dog eats the kids school shoes that are $40.00 because your son is men's shoe sizes!!  Just sayin...
I'll keep my fingers crossed that things go well...

If that was my sister I would be marking the calendar till the day her shoes were chewed up. I'd also mark the day I told her it would happen. Then I'd have a Big belly laugh when she called to ask what to do. The First thing I'd say when I could talk from all my laughing is you can't punish the dog when you taught him to chew shoes.;)
Parvo stays in the soil for 7 years! You are right, it can be brought in by shoes and clothes. I have had a parvo problem once at a house that I bought that was abandoned for years prior so I had no clue and the adult dogs that I adopted were supposed to be vaccinated (paid for it) but weren't. I have found that concentrated liquid baby formula helps them come threw it but is no guarantee. Some people just have a little rattle in their heads and there is nothing you can do about it. If that puppy survives the parvo problem she will most likely be looking for a new home for it because of the shoe chewing problem. Most people treat their pets like kids but don't truly understand that they are learning like a 2 year old child.

They die from dehydration. Luckily I've never had a dog have it but I've been around dogs all my life. My parents were breeders .I've Learned from them and read many books on dogs before I bought my first one. I wish more people would read first and buy or adopt after.
Do you guys know what will dig up a garden but not eat any of it? It's fenced and cross fenced so there is no chance of stray dogs and nothing even thought to look at the chickens. I went to water the garden and found about half of it dug up (from the top not below) and whatever dug it up spread and ripped up the root system on some of it but there is nothing eaten.


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