"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Ah!!! The dreaded "S" word!!!

I heard an advertisement on the radio from a jeweler that anything you buy between now and Christmas would be free if we got a 1/2 inch of snow on some specific day. Now wouldn't they be bummed out if that happened!!!

All of the state would be there to collect! Rear wheel drive-check, sand bags-check, ready to go! The problem is even if it does snow most people down here don't know how to drive in it so you wouldn't want to leave the house anyway. My job brought me to Spokane, WA one year and after I dug out the wrong car I realized that even a nice fireplace will never get me to like snow again.
Just getting around to talk about my Brown Thursday and Black Friday shopping. I am SO glad that I got out to the stores on Thursday AND friday. It really paid off $$$$$. I bought my fire pits that I had been wanting for 1 year. I was glad so see that Wal-Mart did an excellent job at already having set up the line for the $98.00 TVs. In order for customers to get the TVs, they had to go to the other side of the store and get a ticket. This line was far away from the other shoppers, so there was no interference with the other shoppers. That cut the crowd down in half. I did not see or hear about any incidents of pushing or shoving at the Opelousas store. :D

I was able to get several fire pits. It was only myself and 4 other people waiting near the fire pits. After I got my fire pit, other shoppers noticed them in my buggy and wanted one as well. I directed them to the fire pits. I had also wanted more down pillows and comforters but because it was on the other side of the store, I wasn’t going to count on getting any. Well, to my surprise, after I got my fire pit, I was able to get a couple pillows and King size down comforters. I was soooooooooooo happy. I also picked up on a set of Pyrex bake ware, a deep fryer and several fleece jackets that were only $6.00. I bought a few loud, fluorescent colors (lime green and orange) to wear when I go running, walking or riding my bike, so that cars can see me.

On Friday, I went to Sam’s and purchased a camera surveillance system that was $100.00 off the regular price. :weee The surveillance allows me to check on (by cell phone and computer) what’s going on when I am not there. I also found a freezer and I was able to get it for $200.00 less than the original price.

Later on, I went to a couple grocery stores and cashed in on their Black Friday sales. I was able to score 7 pineapples for $1.00 each. I saw pineapples at Wal-mart for $2.98. So I saved $13.86. I had been wanting to buy pineapples for my wine and I held out long enough to find the RIGHT price. They were sooooooooo sweet. I can't wait to taste the pineapple wine. :drool

My Pineapples


Every store I went in, I didn’t encounter any problems. No one was pushing or shoving and everyone was nice and was friendly. I was surprised.

I also did a lot of cooking during my time off. I made home made biscuits and turkey pot pie from my turkey left overs.

Biscuit Dough

About to be rolled out

Cut Biscuits

Biscuits that were frozen


Turkey Pot Pie Mixture Going Into Oven


Grape Wine

I also made sweet dough as well. I froze it as pie shells and will take out when I'm ready to make pies.

I found this ENORMOUS sweet potatoes that were $0.25 a lb at a local store. I bought 2 of them. They felt like they were 2 lbs each. :lau I will go back and buy more and to cook them, make pie fillings and freeze the fillings and use when I need.


Duck in the freezer section at the grocery store. Check out the price. :eek:

This weekend's baking will be home made bread and tea cakes. I will probably make sweet potato bread as well with the gigantic sweet potatoes.

I added up the money that I saved from shopping on Thursday and Black Friday and it was close to a 3/4 month's feed bill. :celebrate :weee

To save that much money, I will do it again and again and again. Daddy didn't raise no fool. ;)

I have more of the Rhode Island Reds and New Hampshire Reds. I don't have favorites so to speak. If they lay brown eggs, then I'll have as many as I can. I"m not a fan of white egg layers. My customers don't like white eggs. They only want brown eggs. When customers come a calling, they are not interested in fancy breeds or anything like that. They also want brown egg layers and dual purpose birds. So, I cater to them because at the end of the day, it's what they want and what the customers in my area request. I have a lot of requests for 2014 for brown egg layers so my customers can put a lot of chickens out in their chicken yard. I"m going to be busy. :/


Rhode Island Reds
*Best of breeds for producing brown eggs.
*Dual Purpose
*infrequent brooder; can be dutiful mother
*moderately early maturing
*well adaptable to confinement or free range; active, calm & fairly docile, can be aggressive (cocks are especially notorious)
*egg productivity is above average.

That perfectly describes my Primrose. She's a RIR. She is the tamest and you can pick her up anytime. But if she's in the mood, she has a mean peck!! I thought of you: I bought some medical shoe covers at a garage sale for $.25.

Awwwwwww Primrose.

Great score on the shoe covers. :thumbsup
Hi all! I miss chatting with you. We have been terribly busy the past few months. My daughter's baby is due at any time. I've had to help my grandmother quite a bit since my brother passed away. And I've been finishing new coops for the project birds --

We will be working this spring on Rhodebars with a deeper red coloring and Barred RIRs. We are also trying to get the Birchen Marans going and a Lavender/Lavender Laced Wyandotte. Then there's the gold laced orpington....

I think we have decided to sell our Blue Copper Marans. I just haven't been happy with the egg color. It has stayed in the 5 to 6 range.

That means we will then have

Porcelain, Gold Neck, Mille Fleur, Citron Fleur, and Blue Mille Fleur d'Uccles
A variety of bantam cochins
Orpingtons - buff, white, lavender, lemon cuckoo, gold laced, and then chocolate and mauve eggs coming soon
BBS Ameraucana
Wheaten Ameraucana
BBS Laced Red Wyandottes
Gold Laced Wyandottes
Swedish Flowers
Marraduna Basque
Birchen Marans
Lavender Wyandottes
RIRs/Barred RIRs

...along with the ducks, geese, and peas. I still haven't sent off the dna testing on the white pea -- totally praying for a boy, though.
I went on Thursday but not on Friday. I went to Sears and used the sale, credit discount, and coupons for the deal on the Broan heaters. Then Walmart for 2 black and decker coffee pots ($10), bluray player (because my son wore out the last 3 regular ones with his Doctor Who) ($38), 2 sets each of the Rubbermaid containers ($6.92), and one set of Pyrex ($6.92) (to replace what was "borrowed" but never returned). That crowd was crazy! Granted I don't normally shop anywhere near busy time for a store much less a holiday. I was shoved threw the store, there wasn't elbow room or a empty cart in sight. Silly me, I thought the store opened at 6pm so I got there at 5:45 to be early. Well I parked on the grass and started hearing people talk about being there since noon. I looked online Friday and found that walmart was selling the coffee pots "on sale" for $78, the DVD player "on sale" for $68, and the Pyrex and Rubbermaid "on sale" for $30. I feel bad for the people that were buying it online because they were selling out at those prices. If they just made it to the store they would have saved a bundle. Then my mother came over on Saturday (we always do holidays a few days late) and stole one of the coffee pots and one each of the Rubbermaid sets. I wouldn't have gotten the DVD player because I was so late except one of my old customers recognized me and got one for me. You guys say this stuff is fun, I think it looks like a brutal sport. The police did have to break up a few scuffles in my walmart but nothing too bad.
Sad day here. We had to send our outside dog Sparky to the Bridge. He was almost 15 yrs old & has been battling tumors for several years – we had them removed at first but he got too old for that. He quit eating & I know they were pressing on his internal organs, so it was time to let him go. I dread going home & seeing that empty yard.

Then Winnie & Mal’s breeder & a wonderful friend of mine emailed that she is in town – they have transferred her father to ICU here – he has been very ill for several months & is not expected to live.

Sometimes I just want to go crawl into a deep, dark cave somewhere.
Sad day here. We had to send our outside dog Sparky to the Bridge. He was almost 15 yrs old & has been battling tumors for several years – we had them removed at first but he got too old for that. He quit eating & I know they were pressing on his internal organs, so it was time to let him go. I dread going home & seeing that empty yard.

Then Winnie & Mal’s breeder & a wonderful friend of mine emailed that she is in town – they have transferred her father to ICU here – he has been very ill for several months & is not expected to live.

Sometimes I just want to go crawl into a deep, dark cave somewhere.
Thoughts and prayers your way. I'm sorry for your loss.

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