"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Celie, I'm so glad you are back!! That is a terrible experience. It makes me so mad! Yes, you have the sweetest bunnies. They are loved and calm, everyone of them. It angers me that those sweet bunnies would be used as prey. We work so hard to keep them safe. I 'm glad you're okay. Hello to George.
Poor baby, have you tried feeding her any Black Oil Sunflower Seeds? BOSS for short. The oils will help her feathers come in faster and prettier, too?

Yep, my UPS driver asked if I was having bricks shipped a few at a time. LOL My first attempts did not look as nice as yours, but were cured in time for both daughters to get a box, plus a lot of bath fizzies and a wonderful skin cream, I made with a lot of Shea Butter, Coco butter, Olive oil, and Tuskin silk. They both have nice skin, but sometimes get dry elbows this time of the year. A couple days later, they called and said it was better for their dry skin than the $60 Rx the doctor recommended! I guess I will be making another batch, for the doctor and the SIL that had dry rough heels. They said in just a couple of days, their heels were feeling great. They liked the fizzies made in the colors of their favorite football teams, too, so next batch of soap will have flaw-de-dies on them. (I know I spelled that wrong. Hardest thing is waiting for 6 to 8 weeks for the soap to cure! Grand daughter said her Cake soap smelled just like bubblegum and looked so much like cake she felt like taking a bite! I wish I had made larger batches, but since I am still learning, I stuck to smaller 3 to 4 pound batches to learn on. BTW, the Gain fragrance soap I thought was not drying well, I reworked with the same recipe, but left out the fragrance, mixed in the grated soft strong fragrance bar and it set up in no time and smells wonderful. The year's worth of fragrance free I already made, works better than any store bought laundry soap I have ever used and I like the idea that since it only takes a spoonful to do a large load, it doesn't take up much space. But I did miss the smell of Gain, so I will probably be making a few more quart jars with the fragrance, for my towels and linens. Does anyone have any dirty clothes, I can wash? I need more dirty clothes, now! Thanks again for all your help and advice! I love chemistry!
I had about a hundred once. Now there are 11 turkeys, 9 chicks and 5 ducklings in brooders, in the utility room. Hubby announced he is building me a 14 x 11 well insulated and heated brooder house for all my hatchlings and incubators, that's 47 lunular feet of brooders, 30 inches wide. with adjustable partitions and depts., so I can get them out of the house, once I start getting more turkey eggs. He doesn't know they haven't quit laying! I picked up 5 yesterday! HEHEHE:lau
Sorry about that, Linda! I do apologize.
As you know, since I was sick, when a few litters were due to be processed, they became older than I process for fryers, so I raised them to 6-7 months old and sold them as breeding stock, ready to mate. I wish I could have found a deal like that when I first started. I posted an ad on Grieg's list and they went fast. Most of the does were already pregnant! My customers called back and were excited about how big the litters were and how good the does were mothering the bunnies.
Well, this one couple, from Slidell, her name is Britney, but I don't remember his, called after having the rabbits for close to a month that they weren't having babies. I told them to bring the rabbit does to me and I would mate them with my 2 proven bucks, maybe the buck, I sold them was a late bloomer and I would give them a young 8 week old doe for their trouble. Well they bring back all 3 rabbits and insist I replace them, because they built this huge barn and was counting in them to start producing sooner for the project they were into. I took the rabbits back and even had to give them one of my original does to do so.
When the man would not go into the rabbit barn, just waited for me to bring out the rabbits. This seemed strange to me but I didn't really didn't think much about it at the time.
Well, the rabbits they brought back were really acting strange and aggressive towards me! Linda, you know I have no aggressive rabbits and handle them all and can even take the bunnies from beneath them while they are in the nests! Both does had a litter within a couple of week, but did not pull any fur and killed the babies as soon as they were born. This really upset me. One rabbit was eating her young! I was so upset! Well a few days after that, Britney called to say they wanted another exchange, because one of the rabbits were acting hostile and the does would not mate with the buck. This was really weird, because one of the does was my breeding stock and 15 months old, had several litters and the buck had already impregnated 2 other does, so he was proven!
After a short discussion with George, on the phone, I had him ask if anyone near them had a pet snake, that could have come near the rabbits, maybe they smelled the snake on him or something? This B$#%^*, told George he had a huge barn where he was raising and selling large snakes, that's why he needed lots of bunnies! I was so upset at this that I prayed that God would intervene and how sorry I was to have not asked enough questions before selling them to these people. I was modified.
Yes, these are meat rabbits and we eat, whatever aren't sold by 12 weeks old. They are calmly held and it takes one bullet to into the head for instant death, so they do not suffer. Snake breeders put live rabbits into the tank for the snake to hunt and after the bunny is scared almost to death, trying to escape, the snake coils around the rabbit crushing it and then swallows it! I still feel so guilty to have an animal treated like this! I treat our animals with compassion and they live a good life, until they are processed and killed very humanly, as quickly as possible. I do not kill any animal by hitting them in the head, and am not trying to judge anyone that does, but I could never hit any domestic animal!
Well, that's not all! As we were dressing Sunday morning to spend a day at my daughters for our yearly, Christmas dinner, with just my daughters and their families, the phone rings and wants a FREE rabbit. As soon as hubby hangs up the phone rings again. We were running late and already had our coats on, so I told him to just let the answer machine take a message. Someone posted an ad on Grieg's list that we have over 40 rabbits we were giving away free, first one here gets them so hurry before they are all gone! Call when you arrive at the gate! They put our complete address, directions to get here, from the interstate exit and out phone number! We arrived home to find our answer machine full, over 50 calls and the phone ringing all night and all day today. People were driving over 50 miles to get their free rabbits and calling from the driveway, at 4am. The ad said that as long as the ad was posted, we still had rabbits, so Hurry before they were all gone and when they were gone, the ad would be removed!
Since I never posted the ad, I could not remove it! It is now 5:15 am and I can't sleep, I am so upset. What if this SOB releases pythons on the property to kill all my free ranging birds? Yes, we do have rattle snakes in the woods, but the king snakes keep them under control. My neighbor has a small child that plays in their yard and also a miniature weenie dog!
Hubby went to the local police chief and told them about the snakes and they said they would pass often and be on the look-out, but without any evidence, what could they do? Finally around 4pm, I finally got someone to answer my email at craigslist and they said they would look into it, but it was up to my local police to take action! I was told by a friend that if I flagged the ad as being SPAM, it would be pulled and it was, but I don't think craigslist will give us the ip address or any information as to who posted the ad!
So glad you are back! I'm sorry you've had to deal with someone like that. Remember my "party line": There is a special place in hell for those who abuse children and animals!! I do not have a problem with processing animals for food. I DO have a problem with terrorizing them first!
Thoughts and prayers sent your way for a PEACEFUL Christmas.
Thought yall might get a kick out of this pic. This is the spurs I was talking about on my RIR hen. They look better than my roo! I know the pic is just legs, but I have no doubt she is a hen...lays very well. Both legs have distinct spurs. None of my other hens have anything close to this!
Those are some pretty impressive spurs!!!
Sorry about that, Linda! I do apologize.
As you know, since I was sick, when a few litters were due to be processed, they became older than I process for fryers, so I raised them to 6-7 months old and sold them as breeding stock, ready to mate. I wish I could have found a deal like that when I first started. I posted an ad on Grieg's list and they went fast. Most of the does were already pregnant! My customers called back and were excited about how big the litters were and how good the does were mothering the bunnies.
Well, this one couple, from Slidell, her name is Britney, but I don't remember his, called after having the rabbits for close to a month that they weren't having babies. I told them to bring the rabbit does to me and I would mate them with my 2 proven bucks, maybe the buck, I sold them was a late bloomer and I would give them a young 8 week old doe for their trouble. Well they bring back all 3 rabbits and insist I replace them, because they built this huge barn and was counting in them to start producing sooner for the project they were into. I took the rabbits back and even had to give them one of my original does to do so.
When the man would not go into the rabbit barn, just waited for me to bring out the rabbits. This seemed strange to me but I didn't really didn't think much about it at the time.
Well, the rabbits they brought back were really acting strange and aggressive towards me! Linda, you know I have no aggressive rabbits and handle them all and can even take the bunnies from beneath them while they are in the nests! Both does had a litter within a couple of week, but did not pull any fur and killed the babies as soon as they were born. This really upset me. One rabbit was eating her young! I was so upset! Well a few days after that, Britney called to say they wanted another exchange, because one of the rabbits were acting hostile and the does would not mate with the buck. This was really weird, because one of the does was my breeding stock and 15 months old, had several litters and the buck had already impregnated 2 other does, so he was proven!
After a short discussion with George, on the phone, I had him ask if anyone near them had a pet snake, that could have come near the rabbits, maybe they smelled the snake on him or something? This B$#%^*, told George he had a huge barn where he was raising and selling large snakes, that's why he needed lots of bunnies! I was so upset at this that I prayed that God would intervene and how sorry I was to have not asked enough questions before selling them to these people. I was modified.
Yes, these are meat rabbits and we eat, whatever aren't sold by 12 weeks old. They are calmly held and it takes one bullet to into the head for instant death, so they do not suffer. Snake breeders put live rabbits into the tank for the snake to hunt and after the bunny is scared almost to death, trying to escape, the snake coils around the rabbit crushing it and then swallows it! I still feel so guilty to have an animal treated like this! I treat our animals with compassion and they live a good life, until they are processed and killed very humanly, as quickly as possible. I do not kill any animal by hitting them in the head, and am not trying to judge anyone that does, but I could never hit any domestic animal!
Well, that's not all! As we were dressing Sunday morning to spend a day at my daughters for our yearly, Christmas dinner, with just my daughters and their families, the phone rings and wants a FREE rabbit. As soon as hubby hangs up the phone rings again. We were running late and already had our coats on, so I told him to just let the answer machine take a message. Someone posted an ad on Grieg's list that we have over 40 rabbits we were giving away free, first one here gets them so hurry before they are all gone! Call when you arrive at the gate! They put our complete address, directions to get here, from the interstate exit and out phone number! We arrived home to find our answer machine full, over 50 calls and the phone ringing all night and all day today. People were driving over 50 miles to get their free rabbits and calling from the driveway, at 4am. The ad said that as long as the ad was posted, we still had rabbits, so Hurry before they were all gone and when they were gone, the ad would be removed!
Since I never posted the ad, I could not remove it! It is now 5:15 am and I can't sleep, I am so upset. What if this SOB releases pythons on the property to kill all my free ranging birds? Yes, we do have rattle snakes in the woods, but the king snakes keep them under control. My neighbor has a small child that plays in their yard and also a miniature weenie dog!
Hubby went to the local police chief and told them about the snakes and they said they would pass often and be on the look-out, but without any evidence, what could they do? Finally around 4pm, I finally got someone to answer my email at craigslist and they said they would look into it, but it was up to my local police to take action! I was told by a friend that if I flagged the ad as being SPAM, it would be pulled and it was, but I don't think craigslist will give us the ip address or any information as to who posted the ad!

How awful!
That a****** needs a special place in hell just for him filled with hungry man-eating pythons for all eternity. See how he likes being crushed and eaten over and over again. I will NEVER understand the desire to own giant snakes that could and would eat any one of your family including yourself given the chance. They are incapable of love, affection or guilt. If you want to "compensate" get a big truck or a big dog. I'm just glad I don't live in Florida where they are wild and loose everywhere. I'd go crazy worrying about pythons every day! In the interest of honesty I do have a pet boa..... who is about 10 inches long and full grown.
X2Cracked Nut. I just gave someone an ear full on the rabbit thread that defended the purchasers and thought it was fine to feed live rabbits to snakes and tried to discredit Celie. I have 2 wonderful rabbits from Celie. I know her character (beyond reproach) and her setup. I have never posted an angry post (towRd a poster, not possums, etc). But an attack on Celie will not be tolerated!
How awful!
That a****** needs a special place in hell just for him filled with hungry man-eating pythons for all eternity. See how he likes being crushed and eaten over and over again. I will NEVER understand the desire to own giant snakes that could and would eat any one of your family including yourself given the chance. They are incapable of love, affection or guilt. If you want to "compensate" get a big truck or a big dog. I'm just glad I don't live in Florida where they are wild and loose everywhere. I'd go crazy worrying about pythons every day! In the interest of honesty I do have a pet boa..... who is about 10 inches long and full grown.

Some people have a mental illness that makes them think that deadly creatures can love them and will never hurt them. They have a show, I think it is called Deadly Obsessions on Animal Planet where people have everything up to a lion and truly believe that they won't hurt them. One day some will get out and hurt something or someone and the owner will find another reason why it is not the snakes fault and continue to breed them because the love "is both ways". The owners should be Baker Acted as they do pose a harm to both themselves and others but most families will not allow it because they love the owner too much. Logic has gone out the window with these people.

On Florida, the problem is not as bad as it sounds. They mostly stay out of yards and homes unless you are right up against the glades. I had gators in my back yard every time a hurricane came threw but never snakes. Animal Control down there likes to catch any coming out of state parks and the glades and release them back into those areas. For the most part it keeps them in a somewhat contained area. Now those people with homes near those areas are just stupid in my mind. There are too many deadly things just past their backyards.
Thanks Linda, I was insulted by his tone and calling me a liar. What worries me is they have 2 small children with him, and a 6 to 7 foot snake may get out and hurt or eat one of them. They raise sad sell these in Slidell, if I understood correctly, why waiting an extra week or 2 would make a difference ! If these get out in Slidell, it may get as bad as Florida! I hope creig's list gives me or the police the IP address, so they can catch the guy.
Sorry about that, Linda! I do apologize.
As you know, since I was sick, when a few litters were due to be processed, they became older than I process for fryers, so I raised them to 6-7 months old and sold them as breeding stock, ready to mate. I wish I could have found a deal like that when I first started. I posted an ad on Grieg's list and they went fast. Most of the does were already pregnant! My customers called back and were excited about how big the litters were and how good the does were mothering the bunnies.
Well, this one couple, from Slidell, her name is Britney, but I don't remember his, called after having the rabbits for close to a month that they weren't having babies. I told them to bring the rabbit does to me and I would mate them with my 2 proven bucks, maybe the buck, I sold them was a late bloomer and I would give them a young 8 week old doe for their trouble. Well they bring back all 3 rabbits and insist I replace them, because they built this huge barn and was counting in them to start producing sooner for the project they were into. I took the rabbits back and even had to give them one of my original does to do so.
When the man would not go into the rabbit barn, just waited for me to bring out the rabbits. This seemed strange to me but I didn't really didn't think much about it at the time.
Well, the rabbits they brought back were really acting strange and aggressive towards me! Linda, you know I have no aggressive rabbits and handle them all and can even take the bunnies from beneath them while they are in the nests! Both does had a litter within a couple of week, but did not pull any fur and killed the babies as soon as they were born. This really upset me. One rabbit was eating her young! I was so upset! Well a few days after that, Britney called to say they wanted another exchange, because one of the rabbits were acting hostile and the does would not mate with the buck. This was really weird, because one of the does was my breeding stock and 15 months old, had several litters and the buck had already impregnated 2 other does, so he was proven!
After a short discussion with George, on the phone, I had him ask if anyone near them had a pet snake, that could have come near the rabbits, maybe they smelled the snake on him or something? This B$#%^*, told George he had a huge barn where he was raising and selling large snakes, that's why he needed lots of bunnies! I was so upset at this that I prayed that God would intervene and how sorry I was to have not asked enough questions before selling them to these people. I was modified.
Yes, these are meat rabbits and we eat, whatever aren't sold by 12 weeks old. They are calmly held and it takes one bullet to into the head for instant death, so they do not suffer. Snake breeders put live rabbits into the tank for the snake to hunt and after the bunny is scared almost to death, trying to escape, the snake coils around the rabbit crushing it and then swallows it! I still feel so guilty to have an animal treated like this! I treat our animals with compassion and they live a good life, until they are processed and killed very humanly, as quickly as possible. I do not kill any animal by hitting them in the head, and am not trying to judge anyone that does, but I could never hit any domestic animal!
Well, that's not all! As we were dressing Sunday morning to spend a day at my daughters for our yearly, Christmas dinner, with just my daughters and their families, the phone rings and wants a FREE rabbit. As soon as hubby hangs up the phone rings again. We were running late and already had our coats on, so I told him to just let the answer machine take a message. Someone posted an ad on Grieg's list that we have over 40 rabbits we were giving away free, first one here gets them so hurry before they are all gone! Call when you arrive at the gate! They put our complete address, directions to get here, from the interstate exit and out phone number! We arrived home to find our answer machine full, over 50 calls and the phone ringing all night and all day today. People were driving over 50 miles to get their free rabbits and calling from the driveway, at 4am. The ad said that as long as the ad was posted, we still had rabbits, so Hurry before they were all gone and when they were gone, the ad would be removed!
Since I never posted the ad, I could not remove it! It is now 5:15 am and I can't sleep, I am so upset. What if this SOB releases pythons on the property to kill all my free ranging birds? Yes, we do have rattle snakes in the woods, but the king snakes keep them under control. My neighbor has a small child that plays in their yard and also a miniature weenie dog!
Hubby went to the local police chief and told them about the snakes and they said they would pass often and be on the look-out, but without any evidence, what could they do? Finally around 4pm, I finally got someone to answer my email at craigslist and they said they would look into it, but it was up to my local police to take action! I was told by a friend that if I flagged the ad as being SPAM, it would be pulled and it was, but I don't think craigslist will give us the ip address or any information as to who posted the ad!

Since they seem to think you have a "dud" stock is there any way you can ask for your rabbits back? The harassing was cruel and childish! I would say to post a sign at your gate stating that there is nothing free on the property and trespassing will not be tolerated just in case they try it again. Keep an eye on craigslist to make sure that you are not victimized again. There is something that the police can do, I'll have to call Texarkana police to see how they were able to stop it. Up there people were posting ads saying anything in yard and on porch were free on several address causing city wide theft. They were able to stop it with a joint operation from both police forces and craigslist and it made front page news.
Another thing, why do the animals have to be alive? I know it is not as fun not to hunt your food for a snake, but they will eat frozen food. In Florida the zoo and many bars feed them frozen chickens (like store bought) only. It seems like a more humane way then watching something struggle to live with no choice. Small ones can eat small dogs, larger ones can eat something the size of small children. It isn't a far leap from chasing rabbits to getting out and chasing kids. I don't know about here but in Florida they require expensive permits (one for each snake) to own them. I am not saying that everyone has a permit, but if they don't then the police and animal control can seize them. Something to look into.

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