"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Since they seem to think you have a "dud" stock is there any way you can ask for your rabbits back? The harassing was cruel and childish! I would say to post a sign at your gate stating that there is nothing free on the property and trespassing will not be tolerated just in case they try it again. Keep an eye on craigslist to make sure that you are not victimized again. There is something that the police can do, I'll have to call Texarkana police to see how they were able to stop it. Up there people were posting ads saying anything in yard and on porch were free on several address causing city wide theft. They were able to stop it with a joint operation from both police forces and craigslist and it made front page news.

I went to the police and they posted an ad that said it was under investigation, but no one knows how to get a real person at craigslist to get the IP address where it was posted from. I flagged it, as well as the police did, but they keep putting it back up! I am more afraid of it killing my neighbor's young son who plays outside. We have the common snakes in the woods, like everyone does, and a lot of king snakes keeping a natural balance. These are Exotic Snakes, that they are raising and I doubt that they would be able to get a permit for a huge barn full of snake tanks. I need to correct information I posted before. I thought these suspects live in Slidell, but Hubby said they told him N. O. East. I fear that if mass breeding is going on in LA, we might have the same snake problems as Florida has, because these are from other countries and the US has no natural animals that can even keep them in check! Children have been eaten by these large snakes, according to the TV program that showed the remains of a child in the stomach of a snake, when they had that snake hunt last year! I know we have laws against importing exotic animals, for this reason, but they are still being smuggled in and BRED ! And people are worried about people owning GUNS !!!!!
The world is getting CRAZIER every day!

Since they seem to think you have a "dud" stock is there any way you can ask for your rabbits back? The harassing was cruel and childish! I would say to post a sign at your gate stating that there is nothing free on the property and trespassing will not be tolerated just in case they try it again. Keep an eye on craigslist to make sure that you are not victimized again. There is something that the police can do, I'll have to call Texarkana police to see how they were able to stop it. Up there people were posting ads saying anything in yard and on porch were free on several address causing city wide theft. They were able to stop it with a joint operation from both police forces and craigslist and it made front page news.

I went to the police and they posted an ad that said it was under investigation, but no one knows how to get a real person at craigslist to get the IP address where it was posted from. I flagged it, as well as the police did, but they keep putting it back up! I am more afraid of it killing my neighbor's young son who plays outside. We have the common snakes in the woods, like everyone does, and a lot of king snakes keeping a natural balance. These are Exotic Snakes, that they are raising and I doubt that they would be able to get a permit for a huge barn full of snake tanks. I need to correct information I posted before. I thought these suspects live in Slidell, but Hubby said they told him N. O. East. I fear that if mass breeding is going on in LA, we might have the same snake problems as Florida has, because these are from other countries and the US has no natural animals that can even keep them in check! Children have been eaten by these large snakes, according to the TV program that showed the remains of a child in the stomach of a snake, when they had that snake hunt last year! I know we have laws against importing exotic animals, for this reason, but they are still being smuggled in and BRED ! And people are worried about people owning GUNS !!!!!
The world is getting CRAZIER every day! 

Do you have that guy's name and phone number? :oops:
Ooooooooo, I"m not sure what to tell you on that Terri. Mine have never done that. Mine tend to stick to their own kind. They don't bother the other animals. Sorry. :idunno Can you lock them up for a few days to see if anything changes?
[COLOR=000000]They won’t even go into the coop at night anymore. They roam all over the place and sleep on top of the peacock pen – right in the dead center of it – so no way to get close to them w/a net at night either. Now when I went home for lunch, everybody was fine! They don’t do it all of the time – it’s like they just suddenly take a wild hair to attack the roosters. I’m still looking for a solution. Besides gumbo that is. I really like NOT having snakes around!

Somebody mentioned if there’s too many males they tend to become aggressive, and I have 3 males & 1 female, so maybe if we eliminate 2 males and just leave the pair, and let them raise some more of their own in the spring, that might be a possible solution.[/COLOR] ??? :/
Awwwwwwwwww. Where do they go to eat? I wish I would have known. I could have gone over this weekend and waited til dark to try to catch them so that you could pen them up. I usually catch mine at night. How long have they been doing this?
I went to the police and they posted an ad that said it was under investigation, but no one knows how to get a real person at craigslist to get the IP address where it was posted from. I flagged it, as well as the police did, but they keep putting it back up! I am more afraid of it killing my neighbor's young son who plays outside. We have the common snakes in the woods, like everyone does, and a lot of king snakes keeping a natural balance. These are Exotic Snakes, that they are raising and I doubt that they would be able to get a permit for a huge barn full of snake tanks. I need to correct information I posted before. I thought these suspects live in Slidell, but Hubby said they told him N. O. East. I fear that if mass breeding is going on in LA, we might have the same snake problems as Florida has, because these are from other countries and the US has no natural animals that can even keep them in check! Children have been eaten by these large snakes, according to the TV program that showed the remains of a child in the stomach of a snake, when they had that snake hunt last year! I know we have laws against importing exotic animals, for this reason, but they are still being smuggled in and BRED ! And people are worried about people owning GUNS !!!!!
The world is getting CRAZIER every day!
Would any of these numbers help? I googled how to contact a craigslist administrator and this is what came up:

Do you have a name or address of this Dumb Dumb? Its A big town now, I grew up here in many ways its still a small town whan you;ve lived here 40 or so years. I would like the sheriff and the animal controll check his animals out. make sure he's on the up an up. And that his snakes are contained properly. Pam

Pam, we went to the police and they are doing what they can, but I have no prof it is the people I suspect it is. I sold 33, adult rabbits and this is the only people who had any complaint. I did exchange the rabbits for them, even gave them 3 free, but nothing would satisfy them. They want a guarantee the rabbits would reproduce as well as mine do. I did not even find out that they were raising REPTILES, until the last conversation, as they fed 2 of the free bunnies to the animals already! I guess they could be raising gators, but they have 2 young children, so I don't think they could keep gaters like that in a barn. He said each of his barns were bigger than mine, so there is just no prof, the police can use to arrest them, unless they can find where the ad came from. Then they would be able to get a search warrant and throw the book at them! The police put an ad on craigslist and have asked for the N.O. police cooperation and are very aware of the danger these snakes can cause! It's tracking them down, through craigslist co-operation, that is the problem. This is not just my problem and the people who were inconvenienced by the ad, but the results that could arise from these exotic animals.
And I really doubt anyone that would behave in this manor would make sure these snakes are properly contained. Those large snakes are solid muscle and can/will push out of improperly secured pens. I think our country and state needs to crack down harder on the big snake problem. Forget permits, BAN them. These aren't pitbulls that could be capable of love and affection. If pitts are being banned left and right - why not MAN EATERS? How many children need to be crushed and or eaten for the serious reality of it to sink in?

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