"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I ovate you. (Sounds kind of bad, doesn't it?) My pictures and ovations aren't there...again!
A great kindness. A "play it forward"...

We should all do at least one kind "thing" in honor of Prim's friend.

Wonderful post. Pay it forward indeed. Let me think. There are a lot of kind things that need to be done. I think I'll do one today. Call my neighbor in the nursing home. I can't wait until I start getting eggs. Lot's of old folks love boiled eggs.

Prim, what is your friend's first name?
Kudo's to you.
Wanted to pop in and tell everyone hello. I know I have been absent for a while, but with all of the past year's events, I have been overwhelmed!!

State testing is almost upon me for my students this year (I teach in Tx, remember) and I am working on getting the prepared. Birds are all thriving. Lots of eggs incubating, new babies just hatched, and some beautiful orps just arrived in the mail last week.

Hopefully I can spend more time visiting with you all again.
Hi Everybody! Hope you are all doing well. Lost my cripple baby this morning..while she was laying in my hand...very sad. Also, had one die in the brooder and it was very random and I couldn't find anything wrong with it. 
Well back to work for me. Hope you all have a great day!

Sorry for your loss. Sometimes no matter how much you try to save them they just don't make it. You tried your best. Pam
Thanks, Cracked. Of course he doesn't get better. But, another friend of his has partnered with me and we coordinate by phone and text. He is experienced with this. Today we started the process to switch hospice care which will be a relief. Even though I'm still doing as much, the partnership has relieved me a lot. I'm trying to get him organized so I can keep things flowing and clean. I haven't attacked the bathroom, but a friend is coming from Houston tomorrow and leaving Friday and she said she would. If she doesn't I will suck it up and do it. Everyone is astonished at the progress I make on his bedroom. He is finally letting me do what needs to be done. Tomorrow is my day to meet my Mom's needs so the other friend will be there, but he is caring for family with MS and a Dad in a nursing home. Phew. I am not as overwhelmed as I was. I'm sort of responsible for his food and that's working out. I'm hoping to find a church group that will come cut his front yard. Plastic plates, forks and cups help. The hospice FINALLY brought bags for the colostomy and they were wrong!!!!!! I am over that hospice service. We had a great visit today. We talked and laughed like old times. It was nice. But he stayed in bed which is better for him. Pam has been a huge help as well as others on this wonderful thread. Thanks.

My prayers are with you and your friends, may God give you strength, reach out your hand and know he will take it.

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