"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Oh my gosh, been busy

I think hubby, the kids and I are going to visit Celie tomorrow! They can see a real farm!

Primrose gave this beautiful dress to my daughter. Lol I had to go to work and when I came home my girl was sleeping...with the dress
she's my lil Angel

50 peeps arrived a day early yesterday. I picked up a spare coop from Primrose the day before and what awesome timing! Thanks again Prim, the ISO pop worked great as a temp holding pen while we finished up their coop.

We have 50 peeps arriving every 2 weeks thru Halloween lol

Been battling mosquitos and flies. We are winning but Daaaang its a full time job doing it naturally.

Bunnies are breeding, we have a few new additions too. Added a pedigreed silver marten doe and a broken new Zealand doe along with two NZW bucks...I see colorful babies in our future!

Digging up the gardens and planting for fall/winter has been fun for the chickens
building cages and adding a cement floor to a coop with drainage has been keeping us busy. Just when I thought I see rest in sight..Fall arrives bringing fall clean ups

Dang, gir, I'm exhausted just reading this. Don't kill yourself. Slather cheap vanilla on before going out. Mosquitos hate it.
I finally finished eating chicken #1 that I got from Angel. I picked it pretty clean and it was delicious to the last bite. I gave the carcas to the girls and they were like a bunch of vultures!! Picked it clean. Rue actually pulled off the wish bone and ran around the yard with it like it was a big bug. It was so funny.

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Oh my gosh, been busy :/

I think hubby, the kids and I are going to visit Celie tomorrow! They can see a real farm! :cd

Primrose gave this beautiful dress to my daughter. Lol I had to go to work and when I came home my girl was sleeping...with the dress :lau she's my lil Angel

50 peeps arrived a day early yesterday. I picked up a spare coop from Primrose the day before and what awesome timing! Thanks again Prim, the ISO pop worked great as a temp holding pen while we finished up their coop.

We have 50 peeps arriving every 2 weeks thru Halloween lol :th

Been battling mosquitos and flies. We are winning but Daaaang its a full time job doing it naturally.

Bunnies are breeding, we have a few new additions too. Added a pedigreed silver marten doe and a broken new Zealand doe along with two NZW bucks...I see colorful babies in our future! :bun

Digging up the gardens and planting for fall/winter has been fun for the chickens :gig building cages and adding a cement floor to a coop with drainage has been keeping us busy. Just when I thought I see rest in sight..Fall arrives bringing fall clean ups :th




Sounds like you've beed busy too. can't belive I beat you with winter planting. Your bunnies are so good looking. Please tell Celie we love and miss her wish she would come back. This thread is deserted. Terri doesn't even come around. Love the pic and story about Lilly. That Primrose is trying to make sure you don't move. Lol!
Hello all. Just joined up and saying hi to folks in LA.

Was hoping to get some input from others in my area on coop design. Possibly meet with someone to see their setup to get some ideas.

I'm wanting to start out raising Buckeyes and eventually build a flock up to about 50 birds for meat and egg production.
I'm ready to start building a coop and run. I plan on letting the birds free range as much as possible.
I'm in the Ruston area.
Hello all. Just joined up and saying hi to folks in LA.

Was hoping to get some input from others in my area on coop design. Possibly meet with someone to see their setup to get some ideas.

I'm wanting to start out raising Buckeyes and eventually build a flock up to about 50 birds for meat and egg production.
I'm ready to start building a coop and run. I plan on letting the birds free range as much as possible.
I'm in the Ruston area.

Hi Cody! I graduated from LATECH and loved my time in that area! I still have good friends up there. I can't give very good coop advice because mine isn't very good, but I'm full of knowledge on what NOT to do. ;)

Welcome to BYC! :D
I LOVE THIS! Really tho, A. The nutrition of the extra bits and marrow they get is awesome especially in our chickens lol - shameless plug :lau and B. - really it cracks me up that the girls will tackle me for a left over carcass - of chicken! Doh :th I laugh everytime still seeing them chase each other around :gig

Ceclie sends her love! She's doing well. They've been really busy. It was a pleasure visiting her today. Guys got to talk farm shop and kids challanged the Tom turkeys running around. Oh my gosh I want Turkey's Soooooo bad lol! They are just too much! So funny and friendly at her place. Eating right outta our hands, toms were puffed up but not once did Lily back down til she could pet one! Funniest thing ever... My 5 year old girl squaring up to a tom and backing up to it in case it tried to eat her, she said its ok if it gets me in the bum I can run! I suppose hindsight says use more caution but I warned her, and was ready to boot a tom if needed but it wasn't. :lau

Got some amazing all organic home made body butter cream too. It's amazing on my war wounds from breeding bunnies! Definitely recommend it!
I finally finished eating chicken #1 that I got from Angel. I picked it pretty clean and it was delicious to the last bite. I gave the carcas to the girls and they were like a bunch of vultures!! Picked it clean. Rue actually pulled off the wish bone and ran around the yard with it like it was a big bug. It was so funny.

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Baton rouge area here. We raise rabbits, Cornish cross and layers :)

Build double what you 'think' you'll need! Don't think there's a cure for chicken math. :lau
Hello all. Just joined up and saying hi to folks in LA.

Was hoping to get some input from others in my area on coop design. Possibly meet with someone to see their setup to get some ideas.

I'm wanting to start out raising Buckeyes and eventually build a flock up to about 50 birds for meat and egg production.
I'm ready to start building a coop and run. I plan on letting the birds free range as much as possible.
I'm in the Ruston area.
Great job Sadie! Perfect timing for a "test" and y'all were around to make sure she passed! :cd

I've been trying for months to get our Aussie mix to fetch the birds :gig she'll take off and -sorta- round them up but nit "bring" them. Yet...I need to work with her more on that. Rounding up meat chickens at dinner time would be incredible! :gig
I have to brag on my other love my dogs. Today a silver Wyandotte went under the fence where my German Shepard's rule. The chickens and the dogs have separate yards. My dogs are just about out of puppy stages. Sadie started chasing her we told her to stop. She did then Ron told her to bring and she herded her over to the gate of the chicken yard. Waited till we opened the gate. I'm so happy how their training is coming along. Six months ago that chicken would've been killed.

Go Sadie!!!
:lau my RIR girls are bossy. They wanna be first and will also line up along with my mild mannered red sex links to attack intruding snakes, moles and mice. I like that they have spunk and still let me pet them. Max will probably calm down, the dogs that were a danger for us were the ones that refused to hear any command from us when a chicken was even nearby. Took my dog a lil while to learn to protect the birds because she wanted to chase Soooooo bad and play lol but now she knows to hang out and watch for birds of prey and even let's them sneak into her doghouse to lay eggs.
My 8 RIRs are progressing nicely to THE day when the first egg arrives. "We" are at week 16, and counting, eating lots of good non-GMO, non-soy grower food. :yiipchick Feather development and colors are beautiful. I knew from the tons of comments here of how much fun folks have with their chickens, that I wouldn't be disappointed with mine. Each morning my little buddy Max and I go to the coop to give them their breakfast, and then to let them out to roam. Here's a pic of Max watching them eat breakfast. Max and I repeat the routine at supper time before I lock them up for the night. Great motivation to get an old man going, when sometimes the body resists. Max has been fascinated with them since the first day. Don't know what's going on in his head, but I suspect that he'd really like to chase them, as he has attempted to do on multiple occasions. But, after multiple warnings, most of the time he settles down and just watches. Nevertheless, he remains really excited being there, quivering and occasionally whining. [COLOR=000000]I have read that Rhode Island Reds can be a little aggressive, especially the roosters (we have none), but I never expected much from the hens. However, in the last two weeks one or two of the girls have been assuming an aggressive posture toward Max - ruffling up their feathers holding their head high, neck arched and strutting toward him. At first, I warned him about not hurting them, and shooed them away. But, this morning at least two of them went too far, and I told him to go ahead and “get em”, REALLY hoping that no injuries would result! Well, it was a standoff! He would advance toward one that was threatening him the most with his mouth open like he was gonna bite her, and she didn't back down! I didn’t let the “encounter” last long, I called him over to me, and the girls strutted off into the trees looking like they showed him whose boss![/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]Speaking of trees, I'm blessed to have a perfect area in the back of our lot where I built their coop. Right next to the coop is a fairly dense stand of trees, and in front of the coop is a grassy area. So they have their pick. Right now they spend most of their time foraging under the trees. But, I suspect as the days grow cooler that they'll want to venture more onto the grassy area.[/COLOR]

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