"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hey everyone,

Just dropping in to say hello. I've been steady working on the run for the chicks and doing some fall planting for them. All the baby birds are healthy and growing.
Will post some pics soon.

Cheers to all,

Happy Wednesday everyone!

I'm taking the day off from the 5k to clean my house and play with the chickens.

I found a mystery egg on the coop floor this morning. Bummer, because I don't know how long it's been there. It looks like a RIW egg but those girls are super picky about the nest they use AND it's not even the coop they sleep in. I know it's not a sussex egg, and I doubt one of the pullets started up. So I guess I'll feed it to the dogs and it's origins will remain a mystery.
I had a rough day at work today, spent most of it perched like a chicken on a limb, i had to change a cylinder haed on a compressor engine, standing on pipes, angle iron and being in a bind for several hours and the 90+ temps in direct sun out here didn't help, every muscle i have is hurting twice, but on a good note, my wife collected 30, did i say 30 eggs today, appearently, some of my BSLs are starting to lay them big brown eggs, I am beat so i have to go to bed, get up at 5 AM and do it all over again, 1 more day and then 14 home, i am getting to old for this crap. Happy Chickening to all you peeps.

OK my mind is a blank (not an unusual occurrence for me) -- what are BSLs?
Happy Wednesday everyone!

I'm taking the day off from the 5k to clean my house and play with the chickens.

I found a mystery egg on the coop floor this morning. Bummer, because I don't know how long it's been there. It looks like a RIW egg but those girls are super picky about the nest they use AND it's not even the coop they sleep in. I know it's not a sussex egg, and I doubt one of the pullets started up. So I guess I'll feed it to the dogs and it's origins will remain a mystery.
put in a bowl of water. If it lays flat on bottom. It is fresh. If it stands one one end. Semi fresh. If it floats. Feed to dogs

This would be me.
Which helps in the matter of "chicken math".

Egg drama, part two. Found this one in the nest box. Any idea what's going on with the whitish stuff? The box is clean.

Some hens will push other eggs out of the box they want to lay in. The white stuff is egg white it drys before you collect them most of the time. It seals the egg, eggs are porous the abloom seals the egg. Pam
Mandeville high, If they have a certain grade average and not in sports its an option. My daughter likes piano and is a B average student. I was going to do on line and when I went to take her out they told me about the Saint Tammany online school so I kept her in this one so she can get her diploma with her friends.
I didn't know about that. We looked at Mandeville High, however, I know we couldn't live in a subdivision for any length of time (horses, chickens, 3 dogs, etc). I've got 12 hens, and if we move, they're coming to! I don't want my kids to have to change schools during high school. I went to three different high schools, and it was difficult. We are going to the St. Paul's open house this Saturday. That's where my 7th grader wants to go. The things we do for our kids...lol...

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