"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

So, I collected eggs for 4 days, left in a bowl in kitchen, then incubated all at once.

Humidity wavered from 40-55, and all eggs on sides, hand turned 3-5 times a day.

Today is day 18.... and I hear a chick chirping!  I am so excited!

Plus, my only surviving Dom hen is finally laying, they are so small, cutsey!

Loving Birdmans Peas!

I already put another batch of eggs in a bator... can you tell I cant help myself?!

I've missed you come back more often. Pam
Yes, if they pip on the wrong end they are positioned incorrectly in the egg. The good news is in these cases the chick was able to pip. If it can breathe it stands an okay chance with some later help. The ones I tend to lose are the ones so turned around they can't pip such as head between legs. Now when a chick normally hatches it pips into the air cell and breathes for a while, which can be 12-24 hours. Then the chick pips and it can easily take another day after that, sometimes even more. I've had an egg take 30 hours after pip. When a chick pips in the wrong place that is when they would have normally been internally pipping so it will take longer before they are near ready to help. As far as drying the membrane, Bacitracin ointment. That became my best friend in assists. It keeps the moisture in far longer then water and helps keep out bacteria to boot. If you do ever help the key is to go very, very slowly. chip off little bits of shell and moisten the membrane as you go. If you see veins or encounter bleeding stop immediately. A small amount of bleeding won't be fatal but you should stop as the chick is not ready. 

I'm so glad your back. I missed you and we all need your experince. :hugs
I will be getting more chicks tomorrow. I'm super excited went in half on some auctions with a friend. Praying everyone arrives safe and sound.If all goes well I'll have Jill Rees line CCL. A new import of Blue ishbars. And A rare mix of We don't know what. Hope Its chickens I really like if not they will be sold.Can't wait hope I sleep tonight. Pam
Also when a chick struggles to hatch sometimes you will encounter simple to fix problems with the feet and/or legs. Here is the link just in case. I tend to horde useful links. All of these came in handy when I first started doing this.


Buggles, thank you for explaining the malpositioned chick and for the tip on the Bacitracin and spraddle leg links.

The pullet egg chick finally hatched sometime last night along with another pullet egg. They're so tiny. I just took a peek and a third hatched, it is still wet, their legs look good although one was sleeping. Hopefully there's many more to go.

Three pullets! I love it that I know their gender instantly.

Pam none of yours have pipped yet.
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Anyone know someone with welsummers or marans?

The last Welsummers I hatched I got from bwalden here on BYC - he's in Arkansas. Grisham lines, very very nice birds, you can sex them at hatch, very good layers of nice terra cotta dark brown & decent size. I didn't keep any roosters so do not have any fertile eggs. Same with my Cuckoo Marans - they came from Russ's Marans - you can google him for his website. They don't lay eggs as dark as Black Coppers but still darker than "regular brown" eggs & are nice hens.
Buggles, thank you for explaining the malpositioned chick and for the tip on the Bacitracin and spraddle leg links. :)

The pullet egg chick finally hatched sometime last night along with another pullet egg. They're so tiny. I just took a peek and a third hatched, it is still wet, their legs look good although one was sleeping. Hopefully there's many more to go.

Three pullets! I love it that I know their gender instantly. :)

Pam none of yours have pipped yet. :fl  

No worries yet they had life when you last candeled. The line I have is bigger and take longer to lay. So I'm hopefull they will hatch. Pam

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