"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Ya'll I'm not sure what to do. There's four chicks now and 3-4 other eggs that have pipped. I don't know whether to take the chicks out or not. If the other eggs take 24 hrs or more to hatch then the already hatched chicks will have been in the incubator over 48 hrs. Should I take the opportunity and get the chicks out or leave them in there? The first chick hatched sometime last night. I know they can survive for three days without food or water.
Quote: OMG, I told you my computer was going crazy. Four posts? Sorry, folks, I KNOW you love to hear from me, ha , but I'll try to not do that again.
I've been out of pocket, at the ER night before last, with a massive (hide you eyes guys) bladder infection. Not a heart attack, or kidney stones like Aimee thought. Still painful. Especially in my pocket book. SOOOO, I'm gonna have to scale back my buying for a while. Bummer. Aimee wants me to get the right knee surgery while I'm at it. (don't want to, don't want to). So I'm not going to buy the ISA Brown's for a while. I'll have to look at the finances before I make a lot of plans. May have to put the mini co-op out the window for a year. sigh

Jennifer, it's good to see you on the thread again. We missed you girl. I know you've got a lot going on right now. Are you doing your big garden this year?
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Ya'll I'm not sure what to do. There's four chicks now and 3-4 other eggs that have pipped. I don't know whether to take the chicks out or not. If the other eggs take 24 hrs or more to hatch then the already hatched chicks will have been in the incubator over 48 hrs. Should I take the opportunity and get the chicks out or leave them in there? The first chick hatched sometime last night. I know they can survive for three days without food or water.

I wouldn't worry about getting them out before it's been over two days. They will be fine. They are designed to go that long without eating for the rest of the clutch to hatch. Mamma wouldn't take them off before then if they were naturally incubated. That's what the yolk is for!
Ya'll I'm not sure what to do. There's four chicks now and 3-4 other eggs that have pipped. I don't know whether to take the chicks out or not. If the other eggs take 24 hrs or more to hatch then the already hatched chicks will have been in the incubator over 48 hrs. Should I take the opportunity and get the chicks out or leave them in there? The first chick hatched sometime last night. I know they can survive for three days without food or water.

I would wait the yolk sack gives them three days. Maybe tomorrow take a few older ones out. Their peeping incourages the others to hatch. Pam
OMG, I told you my computer was going crazy.  Four posts?   Sorry, folks, I KNOW you love to hear from me,  ha , but I'll try to not do that again.  
 I've been out of pocket, at the ER night before last,  with a massive (hide you eyes guys) bladder infection.  Not a heart attack, or kidney stones like Aimee thought.  Still painful.  Especially in my pocket book.  SOOOO,  I'm gonna have to scale back my buying for a while.  Bummer.   Aimee wants me to get the right knee surgery while I'm at it.  (don't want to, don't want to).    So I'm not going to buy the ISA Brown's for a while.   I'll have to look at the finances before I make a lot of plans.  May have to put the mini co-op out the window for a year.  sigh 

Sorry to hear of your health problems. You do what's best for you your daughter has your best interest at heart but only you can make the decision about your health. Pam
Did they keep it around to feed it and get the wild out or just shoot it.  Can you tell a great difference in the grocery store pork?  Inquiring minds....... ha

It was processed already when we got it , but knowing these hunters it wasn't . I know people that do that tho. My dad knows a lot about cooking and processing wild game. It was very good leaner than ground pork I've had from the grocery . It was still juicy and not dry. Pam
I just candled my bantam amerucana eggs. I AM HAVING TWINS! in all of my hatches I have never encountered this before. I'm scared because it's already a bantam egg. I can blatantly see to embryos and completely looks different than the other eggs. I think I can even see a membrane difference. All I know is i see 2 moving embryos in one bantam egg... what do I do? Omgesssess

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