"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"


Prim is this the same girl you had so much trouble with before, that had sour crop?[/quot

Prim recovered. This is Selena. This is different. Selena's breath was only sour for a short time. Prim never threw up until I made her throw up. Selena has been throwing up and by the second day Selena's throw up was reddish brown. She is lying in sick bay with her head hung down. I'm hoping the olive oil, baking soda, water and baby food she got tonight will help her strengthen up. She hasn't eaten much for a couple of days. Prayer and vigilance. Thanks so much.
Selena just died in my arms. She convulsed and poop shot out and vomit and she was dead.
Here we go with round 3, 20 total, 4 Black Sex link cross's, 4 Red Sex link cross's, 7 EE/OE and 5 Cream Legbar, due on Feb 23/24, we are going for 100%, i hand picked and examined each egg for uniformity,size, the oldest egg was layed on the 26th jan. over half were layed today, Pam, the CL has layed 5 eggs since she started back on the 26th, I put the Roo with her yesterday and she squated for him twice, then i took him out, i got an egg from her today, maybe i will have to always breed them this way, Good luck to all with chicks and hatch's, our 21 one week olds are great, growing like weeds.
Hi Lemon yes this lurker has purchased an incubator and is currently on day 3!!!! Cuckoo maran, BO, olive egger (since my blue layer went on strike
)and the last egg from my GW before she went to her new home. And sadly my Deli maybe eggbound, maybe. Not seeing tissue or anything but she's always taken a long time to lay lately 4 or 5 hours before she lays. I'm using warm water and put vet Rx in water trying every couple of hours to make her drink. I may get her some antibiotics payday tomorrow? It is helping me to leave the bator alone. Love reading all y'alls posts but don't want to over share lol!
Those are nice breed choices! Our incubator is a day or so behind yours.

I think those with their incubators going at about the same time are Terri, Buggles, You, topdog and myself. Anyone else I am missing? I think Terri is a few days ahead of the rest of us. I hope everyone has a good hatch!!!

Topdog, I collected eggs for 2 weeks and didn't really inspect them closely. I don't think I am going to have anywhere near a 100% hatch, lol.
I'm sorry Prim, she was a pretty girl :(
Thanks. She really was beautiful. She had a green sheen when the sunlight hit her feathers. That foto didn't do her justice. That was in the hottest part of summer. She was her prettiest after this year's molt. She was always so strong and healthy. She was so big and fluffy. She was head hen.
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Here's chick pics. One agressive chic pecked the eye of another chick Its watery and looks like it may be infected by morning. What can I do to help Him? I flushed it with saline solution. I have probiotics and vitimins in there water. He's eating good. Here are newer pics of my chicks.









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