"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Wondering all the ideas you may have for chicken yard ordor. I had some PDZ and just ordered more. If I put a lot will it kill the ordor? Any other ideas? I put some straw and could get more. Does straw help or sour to make things worse. I can use small gravel that works sort of like sand. I could get more of that. The ordor got really bad after all the rain. Since I'm in a subdivision so that has to be addressed right away.

Mine was a mucky, muddy. mess, with an sour smell. Ron had left over sand and put a layer over the muddy, muck. The sand got rid of the smell and the slushy mud was gone. It was great I'm a sand convert.Pam
Pam, So sorry to hear your Father passed away.
Glad your doing well. My Dad did pass tonight I'm glad he's out of pain.
I miss you . I miss everyone ! I guess my life will have a new normal. Get well soon we need you. Pam

oh no...so sorry for your loss..keep your head up pam....we are hear for you....i feel what your going thru...im still hurt by my grandfather passing..and its been like over five months now...its so hard...but be strong...
Glad your doing well. My Dad did pass tonight I'm glad he's out of pain.:hit I miss you . I miss everyone ! I guess my life will have a new normal. Get well soon we need you. Pam

So very sorry to here this, honey. A good way to phrase that, ". A new normal". I hope that your whole family can bond closer and get through the coming times. Our thoughs and love coming your way. Group hug!!!!
TD your gonna have to hand over the hatching to Miss Donna now. She needs a handle here on the forum so she can post.
I am working on that Cody, kinda like wine, dont rush it, it gets better with time, plus she has 3 grand boys to run after, our 28 year old daughter that has by polar dissorder and a couple others, and a 22 year old son to deal with, so i will let her develope into a boafied chicken person at her own pace, she is way ahead of where i would have ever guessed even a few months ago. She is getting over the fear of screwing things up, especially after successful mutiple assists with this hatch and not even half way through it yet. I cant find words to express the pride i have in her as a partner in this venture, she is just a wonderful person and nothing better threaten one of our chickens, she has a 0 tolerence for that. She has 17 live hatch's and one that needed assistance but she didn't get to it in time, 24 left as of last night. i will update tonight, still no legbar pips, i think it will take 21/22 days on them, going to be patient and let nature direct them from here, i have 5 more in the other bator due next Tuesday, my hatch
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