"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I've been soaking her in warm water, but I haven't tried salts yet. My husband couldn't feel an egg when he stuck his finger inside, and he stuck it pretty far in. She might have just stopped laying because of how miserable she is. I've been trying to feed her scrambled eggs too, but she won't eat them. She won't eat anything. :( What is blue cote?

You get it from the feed store or TSC. It's liquid purple antibacterial for wounds it turns them purple plus treats them. Chickens won't peck purple wounds.Pam
That pick no more is what I used on that chick that got wounded kimmy. After I finally got out all clean. It dried except for where it was a little oozy. So it kind of helped with seeing where the wound was the worst also.
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I think it will fix on its own. She is a new layer give her a little time. I know you know the powdery stuff is excess calcium. Pam

I've just never had a hen lay so many weird eggs to start off. Usually it's just one or two. But the weirdest to me is that her system seems to be producing but not moving then through at the right speed and individually. I thought that #2 and #3 came the same day. But we didn't see it, so I won't say that. But for sure #4 and #5 came the same day. Guess she needs an egg enima, haha.

That is her first egg. You can see the color through that extra calcium when it's wet. The kids had fun with that one because as soon as it's dry it looks light again. I'm sure you can imagine how many times it was wet, dry, wet, dry, wet, dry. Lol
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Step away from the peroxide> New studies show peroxide isn't good for animals. Use betadine diluted with water. The blue cote is for the wounds her flock mates won't peck Blue wounds. It also contains and antibacterial too. So it will help heal plus keep hens from pecking. Even my vet has told me to stop useing peroxide. Now that I've caught up and read Aptreyx's post he has dealt with it. I know and respect him. Have ment him in person. I would do what he did but use betadine it's iodine dilute in distilled water. This is what I used to bring mine back to life after a severe dog attack. Pam
I agree - peroxide is not advisable for a number of reasons. The most relevant reason is that it can actually damage the tissue that you are trying to heal. Betadine is the brand name of povidine iodine - I wasn't thinking last night and only went with what was on the generic brand bottle I had. And yes, I am sitting here thinking that it is odd that I could remember the complicated name and not the much more common and easier name. Blu-kote will be helpful as a topical antiseptic when you re-introduce the hen to the flock, but is generally not recommended for deep puncture wounds but, if you have that and not betadine, go with it.
Step away from the peroxide> New studies show peroxide isn't good for animals. Use betadine diluted with water. The blue cote is for the wounds her flock mates won't peck Blue wounds. It also contains and antibacterial too. So it will help heal plus keep hens from pecking. Even my vet has told me to stop useing peroxide. Now that I've caught up and read Aptreyx's post he has dealt with it. I know and respect him. Have ment him in person. I would do what he did but use betadine it's iodine dilute in distilled water. This is what I used to bring mine back to life after a severe dog attack. Pam
Good to know, thank you!
Definitely not for the squeamish, haha! I haven't eaten much today just because all food looks like maggots to me right now. I'm also very glad that my husband is the one that found the big wounds and not me! I had already bathed her and everything a few times today and I was just so grossed out that I asked him to do it this time. It was SO GROSS. He was digging into it and everything. Man.

I might get some antibiotics tomorrow if she makes it through the night. She is in bad shape right now. Cross your fingers!
Here is something I found, you can buy bag balm at most feed stores, Wal mart, Walgreens, CVS it will help prevent fly's getting to the wound, get a bottle of poly vi sol without iron at your pharmacy, and give her a drop every 3 hours, it will build her immune system back up and replace needed nutrients until she starts eating again, you can give her water with the same syringe supplied in the poly vi sol without iron. be sure to hold her head up when giving meds and water so it will go down properly, rub her back with pure pine oil, fly's will stay away from her.

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Ariel survived the night, but she isn't doing well. She is lying down now, and sleeps. This morning I crushed up some feed and mixed it with water. I fed it to her through a syringe. She drank it on her own when I dripped it into her mouth. She's still lying down though. I'm going to tsc to get some antibiotics and things.
My 4yo brings her toys to keep her company (like that yellow octopus on the side) and my 1yo tries to "feed" her through through cage. That's why there are leaves and things on my floor.

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