"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I got some penicillin while I was there. They lady was very helpful. I'm reading about it now. It is a shot so I'm googling how to give a chicken a shot haha.
You give it between the skin and the flesh of the breast, alternating sides per repeated shots, Poly Vi Sol without iron is really great for weak chickens, i use it religiuosly for new borns to my oldest chickens, it is a multi vitamin for infants, it is gentle enogh for poultry, it nourish's the chicken when they wont eat or drink, usually after a couple treatments by mouth, 1-2 drops a dose, they will start drinking on their own and then will start eating, i treated my whole layer flock, about 60 total with Tylan 100, 20% solluable powder and follow up with 3 days of poly vi sol in their water, they went from 13/14 eggs a day back up to 45 or more now in the last month. Even their feathers are growing back in. I hope you can get your chicken all healed up. Bag Balm will cover the wounds and keep flys out, that is your main concern, no more flys, no more maggots, probably why you aren't seeing as many maggots now after you moved her inside
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Dang!! I was at CVS today and forgot about that Poly Vi Sol! I was in the drive thru though.

I did give her the shot earlier. Right after I posted on here, in fact. I've been feeding her through the syringe all day. I've now also added probiotics to the electrolytes.

We just finished giving her another soak. Way less maggots this time too. Still some though. My husband was pulling them out with tweezers. Do the maggots burrow all the way into her organs? That's what we are nervous about. We are nervous that some may (or may have already) burrow into her organs and eat her from the inside. I'm not really sure I can do anything about that. I'll get that Poly Vi Sol in the morning. It would be so helpful if she could at least eat or drink on her own. I also rebleached out her little kennel. I put an old towel in there (I wrote the word chicken across it in permanent marker so I wouldn't confuse it with other towels lol) instead of pine shavings because the shavings just didn't seem sanitary enough to me.
You give it between the skin and the flesh of the breast, alternating sides per repeated shots, Poly Vi Sol without iron is really great for weak chickens, i use it religiuosly for new borns to my oldest chickens, it is a multi vitamin for infants, it is gentle enogh for poultry, it nourish's the chicken when they wont eat or drink, usually after a couple treatments by mouth, 1-2 drops a dose, they will start drinking on their own and then will start eating, i treated my whole layer flock, about 60 total with Tylan 100, 20% solluable powder and follow up with 3 days of poly vi sol in their water, they went from 13/14 eggs a day back up to 45 or more now in the last month. Even their feathers are growing back in. I hope you can get your chicken all healed up. Bag Balm will cover the wounds and keep flys out, that is your main concern, no more flys, no more maggots, probably why you aren't seeing as many maggots now after you moved her inside

I was just reading this .......


And it says if the wounds are deep to squirt the betadine in with a syringe.
I just had to put a hen down, first time. I've been babying her for a number of weeks and realized that this was probably coming, but a dog we were keeping for a neighbor until tomorrow brought it about sooner rather than later. The dog has been hanging out here since February with no trouble until tonight.
I was just reading this .......


And it says if the wounds are deep to squirt the betadine in with a syringe.
That's totally the same article we've been following directions from. We just haven't done the betadine part yet. I can pick some up tomorrow. I have to go back to tsc because I got one shot and several needles.... but I didn't realize that the shot part was also disposable. Now I need more syringe pieces! Lol, learning as I go.
I just had to put a hen down, first time. I've been babying her for a number of weeks and realized that this was probably coming, but a dog we were keeping for a neighbor until tomorrow brought it about sooner rather than later. The dog has been hanging out here since February with no trouble until tonight.
Oh no! I'm so sorry!
Dang!! I was at CVS today and forgot about that Poly Vi Sol! I was in the drive thru though.

I did give her the shot earlier. Right after I posted on here, in fact. I've been feeding her through the syringe all day. I've now also added probiotics to the electrolytes.

We just finished giving her another soak. Way less maggots this time too. Still some though. My husband was pulling them out with tweezers. Do the maggots burrow all the way into her organs? That's what we are nervous about. We are nervous that some may (or may have already) burrow into her organs and eat her from the inside. I'm not really sure I can do anything about that. I'll get that Poly Vi Sol in the morning. It would be so helpful if she could at least eat or drink on her own. I also rebleached out her little kennel. I put an old towel in there (I wrote the word chicken across it in permanent marker so I wouldn't confuse it with other towels lol) instead of pine shavings because the shavings just didn't seem sanitary enough to me.

It is a possibitly but hopefully you caught it soon enough.They are tougher than you think. The last attack on mine by a pack of dogs was so bad. It was the first time I thought maybe nicer to cull her.I decided to try if on improvement or will on her part I would put her out her misery. Her skin was broken and some meat gone I could see into her body to her organs. I thought no way will she come through and live. Well she did she still lays eggs today. So be as positive as you can check on her a lot the extra attention seems to give them the will to live. Pam
That's totally the same article we've been following directions from. We just haven't done the betadine part yet. I can pick some up tomorrow. I have to go back to tsc because I got one shot and several needles.... but I didn't realize that the shot part was also disposable. Now I need more syringe pieces! Lol, learning as I go.

After we both told you betadine and you read about it you didn't get it? Why ask for help if you don't use it? :smack
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