"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Right after I sent that picture, I started feeding her with the syringe again. She stood up to poop, then sat right back down in it. I figured this was a great time to give her a bath!

I put her in the laundry room sink like we've been doing, and there weren't nearly as many maggots as before. Or at least I think. I had trouble moving around her feathers because I've become very queasy. I was able to do all of this the last few days, but I couldn't just now. It also seems like the maggots have made a few more wounds. Some of her feathers are just falling off. Now she is standing up again so I feel like there is hope for her strength at least. I feel like I've read this, and some of you may have already told me. Maybe it was from googling. I'm not sure anymore. The last few days have gotten a little blurry. But is there like a maggot pesticide type of product that I can buy to put on her?

I'm so sorry if one of you already answered this. I'm seriously in a blur right now.

Honey, maggots are a definite "ewww", but they only eat the diseased material. They will not hurt her. Very few hospitals allow it but a way to save leg for a diabetic is to make a bandage with maggots inside. A couple of times a day. They order only clean maggots. Gotta know what that feels like!!! :(
After we both told you betadine and you read about it you didn't get it? Why ask for help if you don't use it?
Because it was SO MUCH information at one time that it was hard to recall every single last thing. I'm certainly not ungrateful if that is what you are implying...
Honey, maggots are a definite "ewww", but they only eat the diseased material. They will not hurt her. Very few hospitals allow it but a way to save leg for a diabetic is to make a bandage with maggots inside. A couple of times a day. They order only clean maggots. Gotta know what that feels like!!!
I've been reading everywhere that these maggots do eat the living tissue as well. I've witnessed it as well, as they created a new hold on the back of her. So yucky.
Because it was SO MUCH information at one time that it was hard to recall every single last thing. I'm certainly not ungrateful if that is what you are implying...

I'm not implying your ungreatful. Two different members and your artical said to use it. You asked what can I do to kill them on her? Your artical said to take it and put it in the places the magots are at. I think that means it will kill them. the antibiotic isn't going to kill them. You've read the damage they do. Just trying to let you know the importance of it thats all. Pam
I have a friend that has a chicken get attacked by a fox, right in the middle of a BIG city! This happened years ago. The hen got away and she found her down the street the next day. She had maggots in her back end like crazy! So gross!!! She used diluted bleach to wash out the wound. LOL!!! She went on to recover and did well. But she said cleaning out those maggots was so disgusting.

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