"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Nice! My maran hen started laying last fall, then not much over the winter. This spring her eggs were darker so maybe you will see the same.

I know each season they lay you get the darkest first and they lighten up as the season goes on. Then they stop for winter. then the cycle starts again with the darkest. So it could happen next lay season sense its a first egg.Pam
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Pam how are your ayam cemani and XW rocks coming along?

The ayam cremani are fine solid black I'm happy to report ! As for the xw rocks out of ten that hatched 5 survived. I will post some pics I need to take current ones. They are at an awakard stage they look like dinosaurs. One is almost feathered. I have some other good news too. I got four new eggs today. The green are from Isbars . The small pinkish one is from my Swiss black hens. The round fart egg is from American Bresse. I saw some one on FB selling wx rocks hatching eggs for 80 a doz. they called them imperial wx barred rocks. I don't remember them being called that on Jeramy's web site. Plus he doesn't charge that much. You might justify it if you could pick them up local might get a better hatch. I suspect he has a problem with micro plasma transferred through the egg. It's the only way I can think of for such a high mortality rate. I'll know for sure on my first hatch. I found someone that has a line just as good to trade with for diversity . Pam
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The ayam cremani are fine solid black I'm happy to report ! As for the xw rocks out of ten that hatched 5 survived. I will post some pics I need to take current ones. They are at an awakard stage they look like dinosaurs. One is almost feathered. I have some other good news too. I got four new eggs today. The green are from Isbars . The small pinkish one is from my Swiss black hens. The round fart egg is from American Bresse. I saw some one on FB selling wx rocks hatching eggs for 80 a doz. they called them imperial wx barred rocks. I don't remember them being called that on Jeramy's web site. Plus he doesn't charge that much. You might justify it if you could pick them up local might get a better hatch. I suspect he has a problem with micro plasma transferred through the egg. It's the only way I can think of for such a high mortality rate. I'll know for sure on my first hatch. I found someone that has a line just as good to trade with for diversity . Pam

Hey folks. I've been busy. Missed visiting with you. I'm quite surprised about the XW Rocks. But they are different from the XW Whites I had. Fertility through the kazoo. You know, I have not missed the birds yet. Lol. Still making plans for the trip to Vancouver, Wa.in Sept.

So much rain has killed the idea of a garden this year. I'm just going to really improve my soil with amendments. Next spring is soon enough. I've been paying $100 mo for 18 months for storeroom. Five more to go. Yea!!! THEN I'll start insulating it. I live with DD and family. My room is 12x16. A come down from a home of my own. So I'll be putting in shelves and a freezer. Things to plan for with next year's garden. Take care.
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The ayam cremani are fine solid black I'm happy to report ! As for the xw rocks out of ten that hatched 5 survived. I will post some pics I need to take current ones. They are at an awakard stage they look like dinosaurs. One is almost feathered. I have some other good news too. I got four new eggs today. The green are from Isbars . The small pinkish one is from my Swiss black hens. The round fart egg is from American Bresse. I saw some one on FB selling wx rocks hatching eggs for 80 a doz. they called them imperial wx barred rocks. I don't remember them being called that on Jeramy's web site. Plus he doesn't charge that much. You might justify it if you could pick them up local might get a better hatch. I suspect he has a problem with micro plasma transferred through the egg. It's the only way I can think of for such a high mortality rate. I'll know for sure on my first hatch. I found someone that has a line just as good to trade with for diversity . Pam
Is it mycoplasma you suspect? If it is are you worried it could be transferred to your other birds?
Is it mycoplasma you suspect? If it is are you worried it could be transferred to your other birds?

No Cody it's not that. I am probably spelling it wrong I'll have to find it again. The symptoms are one minute they seem fine then they would get lethargic stop eating and drinking. Them gasping to breath or like when adults are panting. Then they would die quickly. I dropper feed and watered the remaining 5 rotating vitamins and elctrolights, then antibiotics ending with probitiocs. They were quarantined till eight weeks. They never had a runny nose etc. they did have a bad case of pasty butt. Which I normally don't have problems when I hatch chicks. Normally when I hatch them the are more robust then having chicks shipped. I've had it happen with shipped chicks where I lost all but one. When I contacted the hatchery they said only one other order had a problem. They sent replacements and the same thing happened. I told them no way could I be the only one with this problem. That person admitted that the were having issues but not as bad as me. They were trying to downplay that they had a problem. From what I read after resurching systoms was it is transferred form hen to egg. I'm hoping the five that are left came from uninfected hens. That hatchery has stopped offering that breed. So it wasn't something I was doing. Pam

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