"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Looks like our school hatch is happening today. 2 chicks out, at least 3 more working on it and tons of peep, peep, peeping going on.

Timing is perfect, day 21 started yesterday at 4pm. Much thanks to Turk for helping on this!

Awe! :clap :celebrate :clap your very welcome! :fl theres more now!

Ok, I wasn't going to post this cause it seemed so far fetched, but after a little reading, it seems I'm not the only one to experience this.
I have a few broodies right now and I have marked the eggs that they started with and take any new ones twice each day. Yesterday morning I did just that and placed the new one in the adjacent nesting box to bring in later. My DH picked up eggs last night and as I was putting them away realized THAT specific egg wasn't in the basket. No big deal, I'll get it in the morning, right? Nope, it wasn't there this morning. Hummmm...
Now tonight when I picked up eggs THAT egg and another new one from the same hen were BOTH under the broody. I think the broody moved it from the adjacent nesting box back to her box!
From what I read, they will put it under their wing and carry it like a football. Wish I'd a been there to see it!!!


Might be worth setn up a game cam...

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