"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hey. Haven't been on in a while. Hope everyone is doing well. I had one hen just die on me and it really baffled me. A few others had died over the year so I wondered if I was doing something wrong. I did a necropsy with Christina on one and found that she had a twisted intestine. Something I couldn't have prevented.

Then another died a little later. Beautiful young healthy hen. So I took her to LSU vet and they did a super thorough necropsy for $48. Not cheap but really worth it. She had a fatty liver, also something I couldn't prevent especially considering what I feed them. So just a string of bad luck.
The necropsy showed some worms, not infested, but recommended worming. I did some research and found that SafeGuard was for the two kinds of worms they have. I read to just give them like a BB sized bit of it and wait two weeks and do it again. I got the SafeGuard but thought I'd wait until they quit laying for fall since they're not infested.
Has anyone used SafeGuard before? How did you do it? Any thoughts on it or on when I plan to do it?
Thanks, guys.

Hi! I see that you aren't too far from me, so might I ask what type of worms your girls had and how old the hens were? Just curious as to what's going around these days.

The people that I know who use safeguard use the goat safeguard which is a paste and put a pea sized amount on a piece of bread or other treat and dispense it to each chicken individually.

I've just gotten in an order of Valbazen that I plan to use in the drinking water at 6 months and a year. I also mix diatomaceous earth into the feed. DE will shred any worms and nematodes in the intestinal tract. I know it's recommended to deworm every six months, especially here in parasites paradise!

Best of luck!!
Hi! I see that you aren't too far from me, so might I ask what type of worms your girls had and how old the hens were? Just curious as to what's going around these days.

The people that I know who use safeguard use the goat safeguard which is a paste and put a pea sized amount on a piece of bread or other treat and dispense it to each chicken individually.

I've just gotten in an order of Valbazen that I plan to use in the drinking water at 6 months and a year. I also mix diatomaceous earth into the feed. DE will shred any worms and nematodes in the intestinal tract. I know it's recommended to deworm every six months, especially here in parasites paradise!

Best of luck!!

Thanks. I got the horse SafeGuard with researched to be good for the worms she had. Also said a pea sized bit of paste on a treat. If you know any reason horse SafeGuard shouldn't be used please let me know.

She had Cecal worms in the cecum and round worms in the ventriculus.

She was born on June 3, 2015 and died July 7, 2016.

BTW, I have been wanting to give my girls scratch and peck organic but the only place I could find it was through Azure, but it was hard to coordinate with Azure and you never know for sure if they will deliver. I found it on Amazon with free shipping. Right to my door in 3 days.
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Hi! I see that you aren't too far from me, so might I ask what type of worms your girls had and how old the hens were? Just curious as to what's going around these days.

The people that I know who use safeguard use the goat safeguard which is a paste and put a pea sized amount on a piece of bread or other treat and dispense it to each chicken individually.

I've just gotten in an order of Valbazen that I plan to use in the drinking water at 6 months and a year. I also mix diatomaceous earth into the feed. DE will shred any worms and nematodes in the intestinal tract. I know it's recommended to deworm every six months, especially here in parasites paradise!

Best of luck!!

Thanks. I got the horse SafeGuard with researched to be good for the worms she had. Also said a pea sized bit of paste on a treat. If you know any reason horse SafeGuard shouldn't be used please let me know.

She had Cecal worms in the cecum and round worms in the ventriculus.

She was born on June 3, 2015 and died July 7, 2016.

BTW, I have been wanting to give my girls scratch and peck organic but the only place I could find it was through Azure, but it was hard to coordinate with Azure and you never know for sure if they will deliver. I found it on Amazon with free shipping. Ugh the to my door in 3 days.

Member @casportpony has good info regarding the "pea sized" dollop of wormer. She did lots of calculations and measurements. If you do a site search I'm sure you can find it.
Are you required to be NPIP to sell hatching eggs? I am considering NPIP but wondered if it is the law. Thanks
Only if you are shipping out of state. You can sell birds and eggs without one in state, and need NPIP for anything across state lines. Plus possibly extra things other states require? (not sure on the last part)
Are you required to be NPIP to sell hatching eggs? I am considering NPIP but wondered if it is the law. Thanks

Only if you are shipping out of state. You can sell birds and eggs without one in state, and need NPIP for anything across state lines. Plus possibly extra things other states require? (not sure on the last part)
Thank you for your response. I'm on the fence about being NPIP.
Hi everyone! :frow

Camp is finally over and I've almost been able to catch my breath! Farm camp was a HUGE SUCCESS this year and so much of a part of everything we did. We even took out staff pic at the coop!



I wanted to sincerely thank you all for mentoring me through these past two years. I could not have done any of this without your encouragement and support. Who knew I would be here from starting with five mixed chicks in a dog crate in my back yard?? It is because of this site and the friends I've made that I could reach out to hundreds of kids this year, to let them feed chickens and hold warm eggs. Some kids got to watch eggs hatch. Lots got to see broodies and babies and get candling lessons. It was seriously just the best summer.

Terri, I don't know if you remembered but a dog got into my chickens last year. I lost several of the ones if got from you, but the rooster survived and is the most gentle, most gorgeous boy!


Two of the three HRIR hens went broody and were EXCELLENT mothers. The BCM also went broody and did well.

Now since both my kids are in school, I'm going to focus on full-time farming and crafting. There's a link to my new Facebook page in my signature; please go look around and tell me what you think! Also please let me know if I have anything you like... I'm over 100 birds right now and need to get back around 25-30.

It's not work if you love it!! :love

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