"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

RonSkekel and TerriLaChicks y'all still here on BYC, I haven't been on in forever. Hey everyone!

I'm here, try to check in every day & catch up, just don't have much to say since I only have 2 male guineas left who roam the neighborhood. This time of year fighting the urge to pick up "just a few chicks" -- wait, wasn't that how this whole madness started, lol? At one time I had 40+!

I'll have them again one of these days, just have my hands full w/taking care of my folks & husband.

Goo to see you checking in; how have you been doing?

Here's one of my Blue Wheaten Roosters! I'm wondering if he's handsome enough to show??
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I'm here, try to check in every day & catch up, just don't have much to say since I only have 2 male guineas left who roam the neighborhood. This time of year fighting the urge to pick up "just a few chicks" -- wait, wasn't that how this whole madness started, lol? At one time I had 40+!

I'll have them again one of these days, just have my hands full w/taking care of my folks & husband.

Goo to see you checking in; how have you been doing?

Lol yea I always tell people that just get chickens for the first time "starts with just a few then you get more and more". I've been doing good, busy though. For like the last two years I've been learning how to build Accordions, been doing an apprintership and now building them. Still have my Asil though, flock is down to the lowest ever I believe, 21 birds.
I'm here, try to check in every day & catch up, just don't have much to say since I only have 2 male guineas left who roam the neighborhood. This time of year fighting the urge to pick up "just a few chicks" -- wait, wasn't that how this whole madness started, lol? At one time I had 40+!

I'll have them again one of these days, just have my hands full w/taking care of my folks & husband.

Goo to see you checking in; how have you been doing?

Hahaha. Yep. That's how it starts. I guess you either fall in love or not. My granddaughter wanted a peep. I got her two production RIR's from the western store in Gonzales. Got some silly itty bitty coop. Haha. One died from pasty butt (I didn't have a clue), but found BYC and treated the other for pasty butt and cocci and it survived and became my avatar. A super friendly and crazy chicken. Well, didn't want her to be alone so bought two black stars from a feed store in Zachary. At first we called them our very own buzzards. They were ugly and super crazy from being pecked and packed in a feed store cage. They ended up being wonderful, too, but my little RIR stayed on the bottom of the pecking order, so I got 2 Americaunas from a local breeder and my RIR was no longer on the bottom. My last original Black Star passed two days ago. Wonderful old girl that hadn't laid in years, but she earned her treats for life. Still have one original Americauna that had stopped laying for a couple of years and then started up, almost daily, this spring. Someone explain where she was hiding those eggs for so long? How do they just pop up again like that? LOL. Anyway, my granddaughter is a teenager now and has no interest in chickens anymore but I know I hope to never live without them. I love their eyes, their personalities, their eggs, how they all run to me in a bunch when I go out there, their feathers, just everything about them. Yes, I am a chicken lover and it all started with the wish of a little granddaughter.
Hahaha. Yep. That's how it starts. I guess you either fall in love or not. My granddaughter wanted a peep. I got her two production RIR's from the western store in Gonzales. Got some silly itty bitty coop. Haha. One died from pasty butt (I didn't have a clue), but found BYC and treated the other for pasty butt and cocci and it survived and became my avatar. A super friendly and crazy chicken. Well, didn't want her to be alone so bought two black stars from a feed store in Zachary. At first we called them our very own buzzards. They were ugly and super crazy from being pecked and packed in a feed store cage. They ended up being wonderful, too, but my little RIR stayed on the bottom of the pecking order, so I got 2 Americaunas from a local breeder and my RIR was no longer on the bottom. My last original Black Star passed two days ago. Wonderful old girl that hadn't laid in years, but she earned her treats for life. Still have one original Americauna that had stopped laying for a couple of years and then started up, almost daily, this spring. Someone explain where she was hiding those eggs for so long? How do they just pop up again like that? LOL. Anyway, my granddaughter is a teenager now and has no interest in chickens anymore but I know I hope to never live without them. I love their eyes, their personalities, their eggs, how they all run to me in a bunch when I go out there, their feathers, just everything about them. Yes, I am a chicken lover and it all started with the wish of a little granddaughter.

Sorry for your loss. My eggs go into lock down tonight. So their will be chicks for you. I can grow them out a little if you still want to do that. Pam
Sorry for your loss. My eggs go into lock down tonight. So their will be chicks for you. I can grow them out a little if you still want to do that. Pam

Yes, and yes!!! I can do peeps, but prefer them a little grown out. I can easily make a brooder, so if it's a pain to grow them out, just let me know and I'm make a quick brooder.
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