"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Keep us updated on the heritage RIRs, I may want a few also.

I ended up not getting as many as I wanted. 14 went into lockdown and 11 hatched. I need as many as possible to select for breeding. Sorry. Hopefully next spring I can get you all you want.
As many of you know, we flooded back in August and my flock was moved to a neighbor's barn. Unfortunately their place was not as predator proof as mine was and I have lost the majority of my birds. I'm starting the process of rebuilding now. I looking for pure breed hatching eggs near the Baton Rouge area. If you have or will have some available please let me know. Thanks.
Hey everyone! I am new here and Dmontgomery was nice enough to direct me this way! I'm born and raised in Baton Rouge and here's a little info on my new flock. I got my chickens from a nice lady in Denham Springs that posts her pullets on craigslist.

Its been almost two weeks and I have fallen for my little ladies. They are so much fun and really give me a ton of satisfaction.

(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens?

Yes. I first decided to get chickens a couple weeks ago and was able to find some chicken pullets online. I picked them up May 12th. They were born somewhere in the first week of the year.

(2) How many chickens do you have right now?

I live in a city that only allows 3 chickens (no roosters) so I was only able to get 3.

(3) What breeds do you have?

I have 2 Barred Plymouth Rocks and 1 Rhode Island Red. The Rocks are named Salt and Pepper and the RIR is named Tony's (a creole seasoning that is a redish color; we are from Louisiana so we put this on everything)

(4) How did you find out about BackYardChickens.com?

Since my original desire to get chickens I scoured the internet for any and all information. I have watched countless videos on chickens and chicken care as well as read blogs and articles on them.

(5) What are some of your other hobbies?

I am a homebrewer of beer and have recently gotten into backyard gardening. My fiance and I have herbs, tomatos, bellpeppers, jalepenos, sweet peppers, chilli peppers, okra, and cucumber. We both love to cook as well as eat.

Here are the ladies:



They love running around the yard and playing in our roses flower bed. Luckily they haven't tried getting into our raised beds where we have most of our vegetables. The first week we had them they lived on our patio, but I couldn't take all the 'mess' they left behind so I now have a 2' chicken wire fence. Tony is super friendly and will let you hold her. Salt and Pepper are a little less agreeable at this point but I'm sure they will come around.

None are laying yet but we are hopeful they will start sometime in June.

I am very much looking forward to sharing my experience with our chickens!
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Ok friends, I need some advice from the more experienced hands. I tried to introduce a new hen to my small flock (2 New Hampshire Reds). The new bird was almost grown. In human terms, she would have been about 16. In the yard, the older hens would chase her but then leave her alone when she was hidden or well away from them. One night though, she came out of her separate coop that I had foolishly left open and they cornered her and pecked her to death. I really want a few more hens. Would I do better trying to find a trio of grown birds and integrate them? Thanks!
Ok friends, I need some advice from the more experienced hands. I tried to introduce a new hen to my small flock (2 New Hampshire Reds). The new bird was almost grown. In human terms, she would have been about 16. In the yard, the older hens would chase her but then leave her alone when she was hidden or well away from them. One night though, she came out of her separate coop that I had foolishly left open and they cornered her and pecked her to death. I really want a few more hens. Would I do better trying to find a trio of grown birds and integrate them? Thanks!

Introducing a single bird can be tricky in such a small flock. Introducing 3 should work better. It seems like most of the production breeds and hybrids are a little more violent, also.

I do the "look, don't touch" method with new birds. I'll put a dog kennel in the run with the new bird and her own food and water and leave her there for a week or so.

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