"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

IMHO eaglespoint you would do better buying grown birds than trying to get them to young
They will survive the stress better and be much better quality
I can hook you up with some people that have real nice birds if you decide to jump in there
Howdy La-yers havn't been here in a while, figured I oughta check in. It finally got dry enough to work the garden over so I've been spending alot of my spare time prepping it for planting as I'm running 'bout two weeks behind reg. planting schedule. Anyway glad everbody is alright and happy farming to all.


P.S. I candled my second setting of eggs last night, it was the 7th day and 45/46 looked good to go and one was ?able so I marked it with a ? mark and will check it on the 10th day to see how goes it. I will keep ya'll posted on further developements and progression reports thru hatch around the 29thof Mar.
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Hiya CatDaddy! sounds like you have a good hatch coming up!
Moved our young ones outside last weekend, still have a brooder lamp in their coop at night.
Been working on our garden too----I'm SO GLAD it's spring! i think I'll have a good garden this year---it's had chickens on it for the past 2 years, so almost zero weeds & very fertile ground!

Hope everybody's doing well & having fun in the warmth & sunshine! now if only i didn't have to work 8 hours a day -- but at least i have a window to look out of!
Hello Louisiana!

Just a reminder that there are still lots of towns and cities right here in Louisiana up for grabs in the BYC Chicken L.O.R.E. Project!

This is a massive undertaking, and everyone is encouraged to participate! Your knowledge of Chicken L.O.R.E. will earn you GFM Scratch, which are good towards new GFM Memberships, Membership extensions, or Membership gifts.

Remember - you don't have to select a city in Louisiana - cruise the selection list and choose any city still available!

Get started now! Click on the Chicken L.O.R.E. link above for all the details, and remember your Project Managers are here to help in any way we can.

Good Luck, and Thanx for Joining In!
I am needing some chicken hatching eggs bad. My usual sources
have run dry. The man I was getting my Black Australorp eggs
from sold his whole flock.(Wish I had known he was going to
sell). Now gonna have to try and find eggs elsewheres I guess.
Any ideas besides auctions on here? Most people doing auctions
are a little too far away for me to drive and I don't really want to deal
with shipped eggs.

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