"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Hey Swampwood, and
! I don't have any white-egg layers(well, I do in bantams), but my Orps lay a nice cream colored egg. They're really good layers, right up there with my RIRs, and their eggs are a little bigger than my RIRs. Myself, I much prefer a pretty dark colored egg. I've got a pretty colorful egg basket every afternoon-all different sizes and colors. Good luck with your decision, and have fun building that new coop!
Hey guys! How is everyone doing? Great here...waitin on that rain the other day that never showed up lol

I put some wood duck eggs in the incubator couple weeks ago...well...8 have hatched so far!!!!! woohoo Will post pics later tonight!
3 weeks and about 40 lbs lighter I think I am about finished being sick.
Got the incubators going now with about 220 eggs total.
Made a trip over to ville platte about 2 weeks ago and got
2 dozen flying mallard eggs to incubate. Never have incubated
any duck eggs and looks like 15 will make it to lockdown.
Also have pure bred: Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, RIR,
Doms., that are locked down now and put in 76 cuckoo marans last night.
Hope everyone is doing well and we finally got some rain to help
out with the gardens here.
Hi & welcome Swampywood!
Good grief HarryG, that's a heck of a way to diet! glad you are feeling better.

Hatched six Ameracaunas yesterday - not a great hatch but they were shipped eggs, still, have some blues and some splash & hopefully, some GIRLS!!

How's everybody doing?
Baton Rouge by way of Morganza and Bogalusa. Six new biddies, 2 RIR, 2 Barred Rock and 2 Easter Eggers. Can't wait to get home from work and visit my babies.
I got a surprise today. I have 2 sportsman incubators going right now with chicken eggs
and a Hovabator going with mallard eggs.
Eggs in 1 of the sportsman went to lockdown yesterday. This morning as I was checking
temps and adding water I went to the sportsman in lockdown and there was
a little cochin banty looking up at me while sitting in the egg carton. Now I know
that I counted my days right, or at least I am pretty sure I did but now the
large eggs are hatching and this is only day 19. But all that have hatched are
doing great running around in a box under the lamp drinking water.
I hope the duck eggs all do okay. Never incubated them before and
had actually drove to the end of the world to get these eggs for a friend
that "needed" them yet never showed up to get them so I had to incubate the before it was too late.
That's really cool! Can't wait till one day I get the nerve up to try to hatch my own!!

I'll be waiting patiently to see how your duck eggs do!!


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