"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

We needed the rain here,.. and I thank God for it,. but that doesn't mean I like the slop!

I am so blessed that hubby is building a new coop with a covered run! Just for those days when it's wet, wet, wet! ( they free range all day usually)
It's costing more $ than we wanted to spend,.. but then when it rained and all was sloppy again,. we didn't feel bad about the $ at all!

edit to add Hey there La-yers, bout forgot who we are there for a minute.

yeah I hear ya on the rain as we needed it here also, too. We're actually still in a drought according to weather channel and I believe them as the water is not yet shooting up out the crawfish holes like minature gysers here as of yet, key word is"yet", I'm afraid.


OK catdaddyfro,.,..now it IS shooting up out of the crawfish holes!!!!!!
It stormed all night and into the morning,. there are little islands of land here and there in the yard ,. but solid water in the chicken yard ( where they free range),. so I let them in the back yard today,. now there are chickens under the house and on the porch and looking in the windows!!!

Just a couple of weekends to go and we will have that covered run finished!!

Anyone else got chickens doing the backstroke??
Oh here, here!!

Woke up this morning to water everywhere's.. All my drains around the house are stopped up!! Got to get out there and get them cleaned!!

Hope everyone is staying if not dry than at least not to water logged!!
edit to add Hey there La-yers, bout forgot who we are there for a minute.

yeah I hear ya on the rain as we needed it here also, too. We're actually still in a drought according to weather channel and I believe them as the water is not yet shooting up out the crawfish holes like minature gysers here as of yet, key word is"yet", I'm afraid.


OK catdaddyfro,.,..now it IS shooting up out of the crawfish holes!!!!!!
It stormed all night and into the morning,. there are little islands of land here and there in the yard ,. but solid water in the chicken yard ( where they free range),. so I let them in the back yard today,. now there are chickens under the house and on the porch and looking in the windows!!!

Just a couple of weekends to go and we will have that covered run finished!!

Anyone else got chickens doing the backstroke??

Hey La-yers
yeah ya'll got a lot more rain down south than we did here it rained about maybe an inch, just filled all the mud puddles up and the rest sorta just soaked in. I could handle a few more of those type showers its the day in and day out rain that builds up the water table in the hill behind us here that gives me a fit as it seeps water out of the spring heads long after its quit raining usually for weeks on end.

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Hiya neighbors! We are drowning over here. Hubby said he is going to wade out to the shed to get the pirogue out so he doesn't have to wade to the coop.
If you only knew my husband. It's a 4 foot pirogue that only my 2 year old daughter can fit into. I would LOVE to see that.

But on a different note.....

I've got some excited news!!!
Read below

Congrats to you Bayerchicks & Bebop too! more chickens is always better! Trying to get the new peacock run finished here & get them moved into it - now if it would just rain during the week & not on the weekend when we're off and can work on it -- might have to take a couple days off to get it all finished.

Hope everybody is going to have a great 2011 !
Hey there La-yers, has any of ya'll stuck your head outside today? If not I'll tell its coooolllddd out there. That wind is out of the east and its bad. You know how the ol' sayin' goes a wind out of the east is no good for man nor beast. ha I believe it today fo sho.

wow... I had no idea that there were this many people from LA on BYC... my DH is a native Louisianan; grew up in Lafitte (not far from NOLA, for you "Yankees", which he considers to be anyone north of Baton Rouge...
no offense, anyone! We know lots of good Yankees, too!
We lived between NOLA & BR for a few years after we married, but have been in KY for (come this fall) 30 years. (sheesh -- did I say that out LOUD?
) He sent me an email some of you may be interested in -- I don't remember for certain, but it may be on Youtube . It was titled "Louisiana traffic jam". Let's just say I've never seen anything like it
Anyway, keep warm, keep dry, and above all, keep the rice cooked & ready!
Yeah ya right,.. it's cold,. and that wind yesterday just tore us up,. DD and I made some wind breaks from plywood and that helped the flock a lot,. but with all the rain and slop,. they are BACK on the porch,...and I don't mind too much 'cause they are the only dry spots around right now.,.

I now have to confess something....

I confess that there was a time in the past when I kinda made fun of those folks whose house I would drive by and they had chickens on the porch and under the house and,.. everywhere,..
I am now that person.
and I like it.

I am so grateful to God that DH is too!!!!

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