"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Anyone know which would be the best kind of laying hens to have in hot south Louisiana? They will have shade, but it still gets really hot down here in the sultry bayous. Also looking at productivity.
nice to have you join us!!! check w/your city council on the rules, maybe somebody closer to you has an idea --

as to breeds, my Ameracaunas & Welsummers are my best performers year round. I lean towards heritage breeds, but for strictly egg performance I would think Rhode Island Reds or Sex Links - Australorps & Orpingtons--

several of our La BYC membershave chicks ready to go, check www.louisianachickens.com for more info. I think catdaddy has some RIR chicks he wants to sell.
AmyLou, Being a Special Ed. Teacher that really does surprise me. Did you show the documents of the dogs training, and background to the school officials? With the proper documentation of proper training as a service dog I don't think they can really deny your son to have his dog. If I had documentation of a professional service dog for my disabled child, and had refused entry, I would be court bound too. Good Luck to you!

Don't worry about assuming girls. No worries!

Legally speaking, under the ADA, you are not required to show any documentation, pay fees, sign waivers, etc. They are saying that the dog is not needed, but she and my boy have rights. And you are right, they absolutely can not deny access to his dog.

My chicks are mini-hens now. So big! And I have a Barred Rock roo.

AmyLou, you can request an IEP Conference to change the IEP to state that your son needs the service dog. Get a Professional (Dr., Therapist, Expert, Lawyer, etc.) to attend the IEP mtg. with you to explain why he needs the service dog. Also, bring the documentation of the dog's training "as a service dog" so that they can't wiggle around the issue of the dog not having proper training. Playing the Devil's Advocate -- they can say that the dog poses a risk for the rest of the students on campus. That's why I say to bring forth proper documentation of the dog's training.
Don't worry about assuming girls. No worries!

Legally speaking, under the ADA, you are not required to show any documentation, pay fees, sign waivers, etc. They are saying that the dog is not needed, but she and my boy have rights. And you are right, they absolutely can not deny access to his dog.

My chicks are mini-hens now. So big! And I have a Barred Rock roo.

AmyLou, you can request an IEP Conference to change the IEP to state that your son needs the service dog. Get a Professional (Dr., Therapist, Expert, Lawyer, etc.) to attend the IEP mtg. with you to explain why he needs the service dog. Also, bring the documentation of the dog's training "as a service dog" so that they can't wiggle around the issue of the dog not having proper training. Playing the Devil's Advocate -- they can say that the dog poses a risk for the rest of the students on campus. That's why I say to bring forth proper documentation of the dog's training.

Pm-ing you, but trust me, it is being handled.
Congrats Pete. Not sure on her size but I;ve put 12 and 10 under my 2 buff orphingtons and 8 under my black sex link bantam.

Good luck on you hatch!!
Yvette, I was really sorry to hear about the loss of your eggs. Hope you have a better hatch the next time!!! BTW thanks for the links!!

Terri, glad to see you got you bator up and going but I was sorry to hear your turner quit working!! Hope hubby can fix it!! Good Luck on your hatch!!

ScoutGunner, there are lots & lots of breeds that take the heat here really well. Barred Rocks, Buff Orphingtons, RIR, Black Sex Links, Red Sex Links, Silver Laced Wyandotte & Golden Cuckoo Marans just to name some of the ones I've had!! Good Luck &
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