"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

OK here is the link to the site that I am familiar with:


I dont' see any peace sign-- not sure about that -- but if you go to this link & go to post an ad for sale, it should lead you through the steps to make an account & post your ad.

Julie -- help -- you know more about Craigslist than I do!

yes, follow the link that Terri posted. Go to "My Account" on the left. Then scroll down and it will ask you to create an account. Click on that to create your account.

I clicked on the peace sign and it said that any info I sent would not be encrypted and others could see it , that shouldn't be ? Hate to be so much trouble gang , but have much to guard like most .
OK here is the link to the site that I am familiar with:


I dont' see any peace sign-- not sure about that -- but if you go to this link & go to post an ad for sale, it should lead you through the steps to make an account & post your ad.

Julie -- help -- you know more about Craigslist than I do!

yes, follow the link that Terri posted. Go to "My Account" on the left. Then scroll down and it will ask you to create an account. Click on that to create your account.

Yep, and if you have an iPhone get the app!! Works great!!
yes, follow the link that Terri posted. Go to "My Account" on the left. Then scroll down and it will ask you to create an account. Click on that to create your account.

Yep, and if you have an iPhone get the app!! Works great!!

Getting an iphone in Feb . Use a MacBookpro now ...... love it .
Oh yeah, thanks for that idea Mike! (Julie -- make notes)!!!
I will for sure put something around the bottom of the raised brooder so nothing can get to my precious little peachicks!!!

Yes, my 4 cage brooder is about 4 feet tall, so nothing can get to them. I also have secured breeders within my breeding stalls that have doors that can lock. For the peachicks, I would bring them inside in my extra bedroom and then transition them outside. I always bring my turkey poults inside and raise them in the house because they are difficult to "keep alive" and raise as babies. I have to do some reading on raising peachicks. If they are as difficult as turkey poults, then I'm in for the ride of my life.
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Are you looking at the example? That is the only place that I see the peace sign.

Forgot to add that I have a separate yahoo email for Craigslist for all replies back and forth. I don't use my real email address unless I know for sure it's not spam or scam. I don't want tons of spam email.
heres sending good vibes you're way man!
Hey Cadjien I finally got a couple of three shots of that lil' boy I got some time back. He's supposedly Kelso but I figure he may just have some Kelso in him from down the line as he's a little light and his daddy is a yellow-hackled bird. Very good boy though, gentle as a lamb too.

Oh yeah Hey there La-yers nice weather huh? NOPE not for me I'm ready for the 90's again don't like being cooped up inside. Atleast you can work out when its hot just take a few more breaks and cool down not cold once cold always cold till you find a heat source and I still don't get a smacking cause I'm the one the reminded ya'll of frozen waterers last year, remember how miserable and its just getting started too. NOPE not a fan of cold sorry

Here's some pics of my New Hampshire boy Rusty.
And Twiley I'm working on getting these established here I got about 10 more coming on the 13 of Dec. from Mo. kathyinmo's bunch and "REAL"Barred Rocks and Delawares too. Im getting me a brood of goodies this time and yes it cost the bejeebers for them too but well worth it in my book though. Good quality for sure.

Its too nasty out to get pics of my lone girl now but I will post up some soon as I get them.


Jeff, those are very nice pics. Once you're set with the New Hampshire's, I definitely want some. That rooster is stunning!
Oh yeah, thanks for that idea Mike! (Julie -- make notes)!!!
I will for sure put something around the bottom of the raised brooder so nothing can get to my precious little peachicks!!!

Yes; make sure to protect the babies from predators getting them through the bottom. Unfortunately, I learned that the hard way. I had a opposum bite off some of the toes of my orpingtons chicks. The opposum couldn't pull them through the hardware cloth but it didn't stop him from hurting them anyway. All of my chicks survived except that some of them grew up to have funny looking feet because some of their toes were amputated by the opposum.

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