"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

What yall think?
I thought he was a Buff Chantecler but do yall think he looks like a Buff Orp? He is about 8 1/2 months old. He is big son of a gun.
I posted about them earlier. I have a few and would give it to you if we could work out delivery

mmmm message me with some ideas because i would be really interested !!
Looks my Buffs , but I ain't the best county fair judge . It's a pretty thing . I would give it a 1st place ribbon .

Morning all you peepers but your long johns on with the trap door behind, like Grandpas old kind cause its a little chilly .
I left a pair hanging in a bush many , many years ago while deer hunting .
Was that TMI , sorry .

I remember when we were kids we would wear like 5 pairs of pants and 20 shirts and coat when we went deer hunting . These kids today
don't know what cold is . There was no such a thing as a box stand with a propane heater in it when I was a kid .
You only have 165 chickens
my gosh you need at least 20 more ........
and I know a fella that has some to sell ...... cheap !

...then you would have 185 ......
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heres sending good vibes you're way man!
Hey Cadjien I finally got a couple of three shots of that lil' boy I got some time back. He's supposedly Kelso but I figure he may just have some Kelso in him from down the line as he's a little light and his daddy is a yellow-hackled bird. Very good boy though, gentle as a lamb too.

Oh yeah Hey there La-yers nice weather huh? NOPE not for me I'm ready for the 90's again don't like being cooped up inside. Atleast you can work out when its hot just take a few more breaks and cool down not cold once cold always cold till you find a heat source and I still don't get a smacking cause I'm the one the reminded ya'll of frozen waterers last year, remember how miserable and its just getting started too. NOPE not a fan of cold sorry

Here's some pics of my New Hampshire boy Rusty.
And Twiley I'm working on getting these established here I got about 10 more coming on the 13 of Dec. from Mo. kathyinmo's bunch and "REAL"Barred Rocks and Delawares too. Im getting me a brood of goodies this time and yes it cost the bejeebers for them too but well worth it in my book though. Good quality for sure.

Its too nasty out to get pics of my lone girl now but I will post up some soon as I get them.


Nice looking birds!
How old is your game stag?

Thanks to ya'll for the good comments and Twilley I will let you and everbody else know when I get these NHs up and running
and Cadjien I'd guess he's right at 6mo. old I'd reckon. Ive had him for a couple o'months now and he was 3 to 4ish months old when I got him so I really don't know just a
guess, ,lol.
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