"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

I came home to pips on day 23!
None are out yet, but at least I know they aren't all goners.
Woke up this morning, and there was this:


Sorry it's so dark, but I didn't want to open my incubator.


And I saw another one pipping. So glad. I'm naming this one 23. You just don't know the knock down, drag out that went on in my house with my husband telling me there was no way they could make it if they hadn't pipped by day 21.
And if there are more by the time I get home, they will be 24, 24.1, and 24.2, and so on.
Thanks! And I know, it is great to have it confirmed that day 21 is not the be all, end all.

Honestly , I always leave my eggs in a few extra days.Even after the majority have hatched,I'll leave the rest in for another 2 or 3 days...as long as they dont go to stinkin.... I've had quail hatch from day 15 to day 21 ( I don't leave them for that long a span,but i've had a few hatch a few days early on almost every setting, then around day 17 the majority will hatch,then for another day or two their will be scragglers.
Thanks! And I know, it is great to have it confirmed that day 21 is not the be all, end all.

Oh thats great the hatch came on thru for you Id like to add not trying to be bossy but just a little helpful you might ought to get another thermometer and check against the one you have as it may be off a little usually a later hatch is due to a slightly lower temp not enough to do damage per say but just to linger a little longer than normal.


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