"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Haha, I am sure I would enjoy it! I have some Blue and Blue Wheaten Ameraucana chicks, some Black split to Lavender Orpington chicks, and prob a few BLRW and Lavender Orpington chicks. Not sure what all I have due to hatch before then. It's just that it is at least a 2 hour ride! But I am definitely thinking about it. If I don't have enough to bring this time, I will definitely try to get ready for the next one.

Brandi, I am in need of a new Blue Wheaten Ameraucana Rooster! Can you help me out? Or can you at least save some chicks for me?
LOOK HOW CUTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I WANT SOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well maybe not. But they ARE cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah they are! The chicken coop was just so big with just the four chickens in it, and we are thinking one of them is a little guy, so only 3 girls for eggs, this just seemed like the next logical decision... lol I think hubs was joking when he said "oh yeah, bring home ducks, you know you cant just get one or it will be lonely" I took it literally and brought three home. They weren't sexed but the lady that works at the feed store guessed that I picked out 2 girls and one boy because of the head/beak size. I figured if they were all the same age, the boys would be the bigger ones so we kind of agreed, just for different reasons, lol.
So how hav you all been ? And well my eggs that my two hens are sitting on are fertile :) but my hubby dropped one on accident and we saw the lil baby bird :( leaves 8 eggs . Hope you all have a nice weekend :)
Ok, so the new ducklings played in the water and ate crawfish with us and the chickens and the dog yesterday, we brought them in to their crate to sleep last night. We let the chickens out of the coop and put the ducklings in it so they could learn it this morning. I'm figuring a couple hours in the morning each day without the chickens will get them to learn it before they are sleeping in there with the chickens. Does this sound about right? The chickens kind of checked them out a little yesterday, but really didn't seem to care too much about them, other than the one we think is going to be a roo. He ran over to them and tried to peck at one of them's back. He got his lil butt chased off of course. They are only about a week old. I have been trying to research raising ducks, but it seem other than having water for them, they are about the same as chickens. Same food, same sleeping requirements, just an area where the chickens won't poop on them from the roosts, same treats, etc... Is this right? Is there a forum on here that I can read about them, or is this just chickens? I do know some of my research said not to let them into deep water until they are fully feathered out because they might drown, so our little makeshift hole is only about 2 inches deep. Oh crap, I see something on the side about Pekin ducks! Yippee!
Our little colt is getting big! He is about a month old now...

I really like this pic as well. This is my lil-girl with one of my Silkie Roos sitting in the barn...

She is already a ham at 2yrs old...

Ok, so the new ducklings played in the water and ate crawfish with us and the chickens and the dog yesterday, we brought them in to their crate to sleep last night. We let the chickens out of the coop and put the ducklings in it so they could learn it this morning. I'm figuring a couple hours in the morning each day without the chickens will get them to learn it before they are sleeping in there with the chickens. Does this sound about right? The chickens kind of checked them out a little yesterday, but really didn't seem to care too much about them, other than the one we think is going to be a roo. He ran over to them and tried to peck at one of them's back. He got his lil butt chased off of course. They are only about a week old. I have been trying to research raising ducks, but it seem other than having water for them, they are about the same as chickens. Same food, same sleeping requirements, just an area where the chickens won't poop on them from the roosts, same treats, etc... Is this right? Is there a forum on here that I can read about them, or is this just chickens? I do know some of my research said not to let them into deep water until they are fully feathered out because they might drown, so our little makeshift hole is only about 2 inches deep. Oh crap, I see something on the side about Pekin ducks! Yippee!
Go to the duck forum and read, read, read. A lot of great info and people over there. Ducks are great! You will love them. Easy to care for. Just keep an eye out as they get older and start flying. Your life will be a living (you know what).
Go to the duck forum and read, read, read. A lot of great info and people over there. Ducks are great! You will love them. Easy to care for. Just keep an eye out as they get older and start flying. Your life will be a living (you know what).

Ok, hmmm... I was told Pekin ducks don't fly because they are too heavy under normal circumstances. These little suckers do nothing but eat and play in the mud so I hope we don't end up with that problem, lol I hope we end up with yummy rendered duck fat to cook with ;) (Hubs said he could do it before I bought them and now he is changing his mind, guess I should know not to let a man do a woman's job... grrrr)
Yep ducks are easier but messier lol Pekins cant fly over a 4 ft fence and the ducklings can swim anytime and anywhere they want just make sure they have easy exits :)Need any help just shoot me a PM.

Got a ton of birds leavin and coming around here

Anybody ever had cotten patch geese ? I have 2 pair on the way here lol ( Just what I need huh )

Julie 1 of my scovies been runnin around with 4 little ones for about a week or 2 and have 2 more about to crawl outa a hole with more lol

Got my new pheasant pens up and running 2 8x16 and 4 8x8 I think I got em covered now lol

Oh and still for ya'll gettin pea eggs
I aint got a one and my buddy with about 45 pr hasnt either lol
This is my smooth breasted Gander who is not happy at all that I am interrupting him while he shows the new babies his favorite mud hole.

The new sheep! The little spotted one is the ram.

And a Toulouse goose who is just hatching her first clutch.

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