"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Well yesterday afternoon as I was feeding the chicks in the brooder and my chickens were free ranging in the back when something caught my eye. I turned to see a hawk diving at my chickens. All the hens ran to their chicken tractor as the rooster stood out to protect them. The hawk stayed around eying them. Not sure what kind of hawk it was, most of them look alike. Two white bands on tail feather. Medium size hawk.
Good roo!!! glad everybody skated!
Grrr, chicken math.... So, went to the Covington swap, just to get out of the house. Took the hubs with me so I wouldn't buy anything. Needless to say, since we have all hens (chickens and ducks) he thought we needed a roo. One 3 month old white leghorn added to our flock. Then he says, well since I got one, you can pick out a hen thats laying so it can teach ours what to do. One brown egg laying americauna added as well.. Up to 6 chickens and 3 ducks...
They are cute!

I got a kick out of our Indian Runner ducks when we had them, but omigosh the mess they made! They are much happier now living with a family who has a big pond - and I am much happier not having to deal with their messiness!
I bet!! It would be nice if we could get a pond dug!! I'd have all kinds of ducks then!!
Good mornin' there La-yers and BYCers

Well Terri I moved the RIR's in with the big flock yesterday evening they did fine during the evening time even went out and grazed with the big girls and boys, but this morning they weren't none to happy in there so I moved them back out for a few hours to let those hens get awoken up and get their bellies full, I'm sure they all woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or something and had to pick on the newbies but I will keep on letting them mingle a bit more each day till they get used to each'n other.

No beans yet the "DAMMED"
deer keep them all pruned back and eat every last new sprout, blossom and little bean as they try to produce so I might not get to bring any when we come over to get our motor parts Wed. or so. Sorry if I got you all reeled up in anticipation, it was another one of those "good ideas"
it seemed at the time, I reckon. Plans (none here)
never work out too well round here.

Good mornin' there La-yers and BYCers

Well Terri I moved the RIR's in with the big flock yesterday evening they did fine during the evening time even went out and grazed with the big girls and boys, but this morning they weren't none to happy in there so I moved them back out for a few hours to let those hens get awoken up and get their bellies full, I'm sure they all woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning or something and had to pick on the newbies but I will keep on letting them mingle a bit more each day till they get used to each'n other.

No beans yet the "DAMMED"
deer keep them all pruned back and eat every last new sprout, blossom and little bean as they try to produce so I might not get to bring any when we come over to get our motor parts Wed. or so. Sorry if I got you all reeled up in anticipation, it was another one of those "good ideas"
it seemed at the time, I reckon. Plans (none here)
never work out too well round here.

LOL Jeff, you might have to come by & let me give you a mess of beans out of our garden! We just started picking them this weekend! Um, might want to try modern invention known as a fence?

Those hens are going to regret picking on the newbies when those roos get their full growth!
Grrr, chicken math.... So, went to the Covington swap, just to get out of the house. Took the hubs with me so I wouldn't buy anything. Needless to say, since we have all hens (chickens and ducks) he thought we needed a roo. One 3 month old white leghorn added to our flock. Then he says, well since I got one, you can pick out a hen thats laying so it can teach ours what to do. One brown egg laying americauna added as well.. Up to 6 chickens and 3 ducks...

Gotta love chicken math!

Went to Opelousas Friday, had a nice visit with Kuntrygirl Julie, got rid of 2 RIR roos; brought home 15 guinea & 2 peacock eggs!
Gotta love chicken math!

Went to Opelousas Friday, had a nice visit with Kuntrygirl Julie, got rid of 2 RIR roos; brought home 15 guinea & 2 peacock eggs!
LOL!!! I got my first egg yesterday too! From the new girl, but it is an egg!! Hubs said he thought something was outside killing a chicken, so him and the dog went to look and she come trotting out the coop like nothing was wrong, so he looked in the nest box and low and behold, the little brown egg was there! So sad I was at work and missed it!

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