"Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

Well yesterday afternoon as I was feeding the chicks in the brooder and my chickens were free ranging in the back when something caught my eye. I turned to see a hawk diving at my chickens. All the hens ran to their chicken tractor as the rooster stood out to protect them. The hawk stayed around eying them. Not sure what kind of hawk it was, most of them look alike. Two white bands on tail feather. Medium size hawk.

What a great rooster. I hope that you don't have any other problems with that hawk.
Grrr, chicken math.... So, went to the Covington swap, just to get out of the house. Took the hubs with me so I wouldn't buy anything. Needless to say, since we have all hens (chickens and ducks) he thought we needed a roo. One 3 month old white leghorn added to our flock. Then he says, well since I got one, you can pick out a hen thats laying so it can teach ours what to do. One brown egg laying americauna added as well.. Up to 6 chickens and 3 ducks...

You're doing great! Keep getting more !!!!!!! :oops:
Grrr, chicken math.... So, went to the Covington swap, just to get out of the house. Took the hubs with me so I wouldn't buy anything. Needless to say, since we have all hens (chickens and ducks) he thought we needed a roo. One 3 month old white leghorn added to our flock. Then he says, well since I got one, you can pick out a hen thats laying so it can teach ours what to do. One brown egg laying americauna added as well.. Up to 6 chickens and 3 ducks...

Gotta love chicken math!

Went to Opelousas Friday, had a nice visit with Kuntrygirl Julie, got rid of 2 RIR roos; brought home 15 guinea & 2 peacock eggs!

Terri added 2 more HANDSOME roos on to my flock. :celebrate Gotta love chicken math!!!!
Just saw your post about getting the turkeys. How are you enjoying the turkeys?
I waited for you to edit before I replied

It was late last night when I got them, so I had to leave them in an empty section of my friends coop. Those guys are tooo cool. I'm anxious to get them here, and feel for a keel bone, or the dimple of breast meat where the keel bone should be (only thing I've read to distinguish them from Beltsvilles). I'll be happy either way. One of the hens was sitting in a box of chicken eggs when I got there, and stayed in there until I picked her up. The other hen is young. I never thought white turkeys were that attractive until I saw these toms strutting. They are some fine birds!
LOL Jeff, you might have to come by & let me give you a mess of beans out of our garden! We just started picking them this weekend! Um, might want to try modern invention known as a fence?

Those hens are going to regret picking on the newbies when those roos get their full growth!
I know it but its hard to justify spending all that money though a can of beans at the store "ain't" that much fence is and = puutting it up and taking it down nah! i'd have 2 or 3 thousand in fencing I have 4 garden plots one is fenced with a removable type netting to keep the roaming chickens out of the greens and tomatoes but the others are fields, probly 1/2 acre, 1 acre and about 2 to 3 acres, so it'd be a very expensive ordeal.
A little chuckle a still get a kick out of was, my neighbor cousin in-law I reckon is what he is, a dern Texan for sure, LOL Anyway a wind storm came up last year and blew all his sweet corn down just as if you knocked down a line of dominoes (because he sowed it like mustard seed and never went back and thinned it out) anyway he went to Lowes and spent $60 something bucks on landscape timbers and string and built crosses and set them and stood the corn back up and weaved the string betwixt it all, and didn'y make didly (s) on it. I say you could buy a lot of Libbys canned corn for 60 something bucks HUh LOL
btw...told my wife that you guys said getting these turkeys was absolutely, positively, without a doubt, necessary for reasons she would understand later on (perhaps some scientists believe).
Good morning peeps. I hope everyone has been doing good and had a great weekend. I am just catching up on all of the posts. I was off Friday and Monday and I need ANOTHER day off.

Just a few incidents with me over the last few days as always...............

My neighbor's silkie rooster has found his way into my yard. When I saw him close to the fence, I literally froze in my steps. I was so TERRIFIED when I saw him. :oops: He is SOOOOO UGLY! He looks like a monster to me. He looks like an alien that will attack at any minute. This poor fella is UGLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took some pics of the little ugly guy, so you all could see him. Well, thank heavens he wasn't in the yard long. Once the turkeys saw him, they flew over the fence and the rest was history. I was able to get a pic.

Silkie Rooster In Yard BEFORE My Turkeys Spotted Him

Silkie Rooster In Yard AFTER My Turkeys Spotted Him - Do you see him running for his life? :lau :lau :lau
I LOVE MY TURKEYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NO MORE ROO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure if the poor Roo is still alive. If I find a body, I will let ya'll know. I could have told the ugly roo that he was going on a suicide mission coming into my yard with my krazy group of turkeys. :smack Oh well, sometimes you have to find out for yourself. :/
On a sad note, I went out to pick eggs on yesterday and I noticed that one of my broody hens that was sitting on a pea egg had gotten off of the nest to go and eat and drink when another hen jumped up in the nesting box and cracked open the pea egg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hit :hit :hit The eggs are scheduled to hatch on Friday. I will have a staggered hatch for about 3 days. I was soo hurt. The egg was fertile and a baby was developing insided!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hit :hit So Terri, the eggs are fertile and you could possibly get a pea chick.

I took a pic. BEWARE. It's graphic. I am so hurt. There are no words to describe how I'm feeling. This egg to me was the egg of all eggs. The Cadillac, The BMW , The Mercedes Benz of all eggs. WHY ?????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hit I am so depressed. I hope the other eggs are safe. If I catch the hen that did it, she WILL be gumbo. And that is serious for ME to say that because I have NEVER processed a hen but this one will be a dead hen.

I had a lot of orders for eggs to fill over the last few days and I took a pic of one of my orders. I am fresh out of eggs as of this morning. Good thing I bought the RIRs in December. I'm looking to buy about 50 more hens.

I purchased an electronic rat trap this weekend and it worked the 1st night. It was a bit pricey but I had to try something because I have been seeing a few small mice out in the chicken yard and I want them DEAD!

Here is a blurry pic of the dead mouse. BEWARE GRAPHIC

Here is a pic of the electronic rat trap that I bought from Tractor Supply.
Terri, the pea eggs that I have in the incubator are doing ok. I had a small problem the first night but I think that was my fault. I adjusted the temp and I turned the knob the wrong way. So, when I woke up the temp was at 101 but I immediately changed it . I hope that I didn't mess up the eggs. :fl :hit

I went to PetSmart on Friday and I bought this hygrometer. It was the only one that they had. I got lucky because it was only $6.99.

I think that's it for me La-yers.

Have a great day ya'll. !!!!!!!!!!!!
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Just saw your post about getting the turkeys. How are you enjoying the turkeys?

I waited for you to edit before I replied :gig
It was late last night when I got them, so I had to leave them in an empty section of my friends coop. Those guys are tooo cool. I'm anxious to get them here, and feel for a keel bone, or the dimple of breast meat where the keel bone should be (only thing I've read to distinguish them from Beltsvilles). I'll be happy either way. One of the hens was sitting in a box of chicken eggs when I got there, and stayed in there until I picked her up. The other hen is young. I never thought white turkeys were that attractive until I saw these toms strutting. They are some fine birds!

Great!!! I can't wait to see pics !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :celebrate

You may have to put me on the list for future babies. I may want to buy some from you. :oops:

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