Love When I Have An Egg Suprise!

I have 2 EEers and they're my favorite hens. They might be mutts, but their personalities are so sweet. I get 1 blue egg and one very light pinkish egg everyday for 6 days, just like the textbook says. My perfect and beautiful roo that I just lost was also an Americana or EEer.
This is so true.................... I have to tell a story lol I am 26 and remember every year when i was in elem. school during easter i would always try to buy store bought eggs so the kids wouldnt make fun of me and every year i brought brown and "blue" eggs lol of course even in a small country town i was known as the farmers daughter and to add to it my maiden last name is McDonald
so old mcdonalds farm was regularlly serenaded to me lol....
So sorry for your loss....It is always tuff to lose a member of your family...i always consider my chickens and my cows my family...
My EE are skiddish but now they kind of are atleast trying to come to me..My BR are overly excited to come see me lol I checked today and no more blue eggs lol I will be curious to see if this was my teaser egg and when my next will come.
You are soooo lucky!

I thought I had Americaunas to find out that they were EE and guess what color eggs they lay?

I am just coming to terms with it, I am sure everyone here is sick to death of me moaning about it! LOL

Oh well, I've decided to get some more EE and see what luck brings me when they lay.
LOL I started reading on here and I too started to get antsy I still have one more to go and I will be curious to see if I get another blue egg layer.......I love my brown layer girls though they are my hearty layers and i know atleast i am going to have 7 a day out there right now

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