Lovely rant about verizon DSL


chick magnet
16 Years
Jul 12, 2007
Newport, MI
I hate it! I hate the customer service. I cant wait to switch!. For months we been having problems. they kept saying its the aftermarket zoom modem. ok so we bought the original one we got from verizon. same problems. I am on hold right now.
wanna hear something funny? A few months ago they said they cant support my zoom ADSL modem so I got the original westell that we get from them. now they wont support my linux OS. Why the heck would you have other os as #3 after windows and mac!

I hate this comany. The only good this is there carrier for my cell works up in the mountains

Edited: typos and an update. The update is now my headach is worse
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that's better than our Sprint coverage which is sometimes spotty -- no service while we transit Fort Lewis and practically no coverage in the whole STATE of Montana (despite the fact that the Costco in Billings sells Sprint phones and service ! )
I had the Verizon wireless card...couldn't wait to say goodbye to it. If I wanted to have time to cook a whole meal and clean my house while waiting to sign on, (slight exageration there...maybe) I would have went with dial up
Yeah the only good this is there cell phones. no roaming charges from NJ to anywehre in the US. We even quit our home phone because we never use it. We just use the cell's

I love good ol ethernet in my desktop PC. Its working for now but it will disconnect over and over. why do you see me offline then online every 5 seconds. Its because of verizon.

A guy from verizon even said that it was on there side and they wont fix it!
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Must be enough people out this way. Been with verizon DSL for 3? 4? 5? years now? Apparently we also have a dial up back up and clearwire too but I'm logged onto verizon when I am home as it's the fastest.

Use ATT/Cingular for the moble. I can even get campus in the basement of the computer lab and nobody else can. Buah hahahaha. ATT/Cingular has excellent coverage of the university and greater Seattle area. A good number of my friends who also live in the computer lab switched to ATT/Cingular because of the crappy reception in the concrete dungeon which we live...
We cant get cingular or t -mobile. and alltell? hah! i think they only cover ohio. I am going to buy a helio. I think people use our local providor which is service electric. they do phones, cable and internet. I just cant take this run around bull anymore.

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