Lovin' being a chicken "mom"


5 Years
Nov 13, 2014
Southern Arizona
Hello Everyone!

I've been gleaning information from the multitude of posts here in preparation for starting my adventure into the world of raising chickens, and now that I have my chicks I just want to say thanks to all of you for supplying so much invaluable information. I'm a complete newbie to the chicken-keeping world, and though my husband had experience as a child, his family's approach was much different than what I want to pursue. I'm raising my new feathered friends primarily for eggs, then pets, then meat, and look forward to enjoying my evolving relationship with these wonderful creatures.

Right now I'm enjoying three breeds of chicken for my starters:

- My four Australorps are 4-5 weeks old and last night was the first night I left them in the coop all night after spending several days acclimating them to being outdoors for increasingly extensive periods of time. I'm thrill to say that after a somewhat sleepless night, I found them happy, active, and affectionate when I visited them this morning. Luckily our temperatures are still quite mild, in the upper 70s and lower 80s in the daytime and mid-50s in the night, so there was no need to worry about freezing temperatures or anything. All four have proven to be very friendly, intelligent, and wonderfully curious in very entertaining ways.

- In my brooder I have three Barred Rocks that are just over 1 week old. These little chicks are quickly becoming my favorites with their lively and friendly personalities. They come to me by name, snuggle affectionately, and seem positively fearless and yet still so very sweet.

- Also in my brooder I have three Buff Silkies...gender completely unknown...who are roughly 2 weeks old. One of the Silkies is already tolerant of handling and somewhat affectionate, one is exceptionally lively and really quite chatty, and one really wants nothing to do with me other than accepting food. I'm a bit surprised by how standoffish these chicks have been compared to the others, but I'm reserving judgement until they grow a bit older.

My biggest problem right now is restraining myself from buying too many chickens, because I absolutely love them and there are still several breeds I'm interested in acquiring. Perhaps in the future I will have an opportunity to acquire more, but for now I'm simply enjoying learning, growing and interacting with these wonderful creatures.

Anyways, thanks again. I look forward to enjoying discussions, photos and information with all of you.
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Lovely intro! Sounds like you are enjoying your flock! They sure are addicting and it's SO hard to stop buying them!

Feel free to post pics of any chicks you are wondering about gender

Good luck and feel free to ask questions.
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Hello there and welcome to BYC!

Yes, chickens are highly addictive! I keep both Black Australorps and Barred Rocks. And while I love both of these breeds, each are a bit different. My BA's are quite laid back and very affectionate. Huge on the lap sitting. The BR's are a bit more active and hyper, however they too love to lap sit and enjoy attention. The BR's are a bit more aggressive as a breed than the BA's. Both of these breeds follow me around like drooling puppies looking for goodies or attention. I think my BA's are smarter than my BR's. My BR's are a bit more winter hardy than my BA's.

All in all, both are great breeds to keep.

Enjoy this new adventure you are on and welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC! Glad you decided to join our flock. For a combination of eggs, pets, and meat, you've chosen the right breed with Australorps. I've raised them for years, and they are extremely hardy, calm and gentle (my children, and now my granddaughter, made lap pets of them), and the best layers of the standard, brown egg laying breeds. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.
Welcome to BYC, you picked some good breeds to start with. Assuming you find a pullet or two in your silkie pen, they generally make excellent broody hens and go broody fairly often. You can swap out their eggs if you wish and let the hatch eggs from other breeds - they will raise them like their own and are much better than an incubator.
Thanks for all the welcomes! I thought I'd share some photos of my first flock from the day I brought them all home:

And a closer shot...

And what they look like today - (The Australorps have moved outside to the coop, leaving only the Silkies and the Barred Rocks in the brooder while they mature a bit longer):


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