Loving on your rooster

I absolutely love this topic! I thought I was the only one that loved on my boys! I have an all rooster flock as well as a roo and hens flock. I love on all of them. I pet them I carry them around. I have even carried them to their roost at night if it's raining and they don't want to leave the porch and get wet. My boys follow me around and look thru my windows for me. They are absolutely the cutest birds ever in a stalker way lol. If I don't come outside for awhile they peck the front door. They know their names when I call. They have never attacked me or shown aggression. They playfully fight amongst themselves but boys will be boys. They know the sound of the treat jar shaking and come running. It's beautiful to know there's other people out there that love their roosters to. I often get alot of stares from the neighbors since I usually have a line of roosters following me around the yard to do various things. I have had my boys since they are 2 and 8 weeks old which was back in July 2017. I also hate when I do post something and ask for advice on byc and someone suggests how unhealthy it is that I have so many roosters. I am aware of that and I handle my situation. I ask for advice on byc about other things not about how I shouldn't have more than one roo for 15 hens. I think it's to eachs own and that shouldn't be brought up unless I ask how I should manage a flock of more than one roo. I chose to keep my soosters because I couldn't bear the thought of getting rid of or eating then just because they are boys. They have a beautiful life here at my place and i dont see anything wrong with it.View attachment 1340372this is them waiting on the porch railing for me.View attachment 1340379 View attachment 1340380 View attachment 1340381 View attachment 1340382 View attachment 1340383this is my roo that has the hens.
While generally too many roosters in a flock are hard on the hens and each other you have managed to keep your boys alive and loved. More power to you.
While generally too many roosters in a flock are hard on the hens and each other you have managed to keep your boys alive and loved. More power to you.
My all rooster flock doesn't have contact with the hens they are just the boys. My roo and hen flock is the one roo and his 3 hens his other 2 are raising chicks. They fight but not to kill each other it's a peck or maybe some feather pulling. They have a great life.
My all rooster flock doesn't have contact with the hens they are just the boys. My roo and hen flock is the one roo and his 3 hens his other 2 are raising chicks. They fight but not to kill each other it's a peck or maybe some feather pulling. They have a great life.
Well done!
I could be completely wrong, but I think the whole idea behind refraining from coddling roosters is making sure they are respectful towards you and your personal space. It also seems as though friendly, affectionate roos are naturally expected to become aggressive once hitting maturity. :) But, personally, I've tried both methods of "roo raising," and neither produced the results I was hoping for. Sweet boys became monsters, but so did the ones I never played with, never held, never formed a relationship with. I stick by my theory: no matter how you treat them from chickhood up, they'll be exactly how they're going to be! Each rooster is hatched with his own set of tendencies. :D

I've decided I'm going to enjoy my little men while they're well-behaved, cuddle them as much as I want, and see what happens. :) It all boils down to personal preference. I think you should raise your roos exactly the way you want to. :D

People say don't love on your roosters (hold and cuddle), I don't care, I love on them and will continue to love on them. I hatch my own chicks and love on and hold the roosters from the time they hatch. The roosters start out more curious then the hens any way. if you pay attention enough they will come when you call and want to be held. My roosters have never fought me, because they know if they get near me I will pick them up. I never shoo them off with my foot either.

Below is my rooster "Pip", he is 3 months old blue cochin bantam/LO, I didn't hold or cuddle him when he hatched, all the chicks went outside to a brooder pen with his pullets. Just 2 weeks ago I moved the pullets to a bigger pen. Since now is the time young roosters like to hop on the young pullets, I pulled him out of the pullet pen and put him in with the older hens. He stopped hoping on hens, since the older ones put him in his place and he has no friends, but me. So even though I didn't hand raise him I have been picking him up and holding him as if he was hand raised. He loves it. He come if I call, and follows me about the coop as I do my chores.
View attachment 1340173 I would also like to say, this rooster will be the perfect size. Med. I like a rooster to not be too big, or heavy. It saves on hens backs.
I can't believe how badly you treat that poor innocent rooster........ Kidding

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