Lump on a two week old sikie bantam


In the Brooder
May 8, 2015
So we have 15 chicks that were shipped from McMurry hatchery, and all but three silkies had died. Then this little silkie developed a lump right on the side of his chest about a week ago on Monday. Ever since then he's been very low energy everyday, sleeping all day except to get small amounts of water and food. Whenever he walks it's a slow paced waddle, and he only walks to get food and water. He also hasn't seemed to grow at the same pace as the other silkies, and his wings seem to not have any feathers on them.

He doesn't flee with the other chicks when we put our hand in his container and I'm wondering if there's anything we can to do help him, or if anybody has seen something similar.



It is also on the left side of his chest, so I don't think that it is a problem with his crop.
We gave the chicks plain yogurt today as a treat and the sick silkie enjoyed it, which is the first treat I've seen him eat. He still doesn't move around like the other chicks, nor just he peck at anything, he just lays down and attempts to cuddle with other chicks.

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