Lump on rosters chest?!?


In the Brooder
Apr 16, 2015
Adelaide Hills, South Australia
So today, while holding my Australorp X rooster, I felt a lump on him, it's not hard, but not soft, located on the cartilage chest bone thing, I don't really know to explain it though sorry, I was going to butcher him today but didn't get around to it so maybe tomorrow, I can post photos of it when I do, what it looks like under the skin
Any ideas on what it might be? and will the chicken still be okay to feed to my dog?

Is it on the keel bone? Can you fill if it fluidly or creamy? I think that your rooster suffers from keel cyst. You need to open an drain the blister,clean with iodine and pack with an antibiotic ointment. You should monitor the situation, if it became infected you should give antibiotics orally. Good luck !
You should make a cut with a sterile sharp blade, if you can buy a sterile surgery scalpel it the best, if not you can sterile a shaving blade or cutting blade by fire an dipping it in medicinal alcohol, after you made a cut on the blister you could squeeze underneath and from the sides of the blister to drain it from the cut.(It is quiet funny that an Israeli give An advice in English to an Australian about chickens in an American forum. Very small world! )
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