Lump on turkey poult's heads.


9 Years
Apr 26, 2012
Luxor, Egypt
We have a few 2-week old turkey poults and some of them have developed a lump on their heads. The lump is in exactly the same place on each turkey's head. We keep them in a brooder. i thought at first that it might be avian pox except for the fact that the lumps are in the same place.

As you can see some have the lump and others just have a bald spot. I wondered if this was normal turkey head development or whether something is wrong. We live in Egypt where nothing is easy and this is our first time having turkey poults. Over the past couple of days the lumps have become bigger.

This is the lump a few days later! Any help would be amazing!!!!
Hi, yes I wondered too if the lamp was too low and they might be being effected by it. We have moved the lamp higher as they now don't need so much heat so hopefully that will make a difference. I think the lump though might be an infection? We are treating it as such but animal/bird medicine is hard to come by in Egypt if you don't know how to get it. :)

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