Lumps on beaks


May 15, 2023
Good afternoon
Does anyone know how to cure this. I take care off about 70 wild chickens in my neighborhood
This little guy is getting worst. I got some rice and bread in him. I have seen this on other baby chickens and it looks very painful
I hope there is something I can help this little guy.


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What is your location? It does also look like fowl pox virus to me. It can cause very swollen sores on the face, around eyes, and nostrils in baby chicks. Do not disturb the scabs, but Betadine povidone iodine can help to dry up the scabs. Make sure they can see their food and water, or they may need to be fed. Fowl pox virus usually lasts a few weeks to a month. Once they recover from it , they should be immune in the future. Some chicks may develop the more lethal wet form of pox with yellow lesions inside the beak and throat.
Thanks for the reply, I live in the US Virgin Islands and looking closer at it I do believe he has the wet fowl pox. I ordered Tylosin Powder last night, was hoping there was something I can do for little guy to help him
If you have any suggestions I would much appreciate
I forgot to mention yesterday I was able to put Terramycin ointment on his sores twice
Tylosin powder will only prevent certain bacterial infections and will be ineffective in actually treating the fowl pox virus itself if that's what it is.
Closely smell the lumps on the beak, if there is a foul odor, it's sinus canker. Look inside the mouth for lesions and smell also. No foul odor means wet pox and there is no treatment. If there is a foul odor, that's canker. Treatment is Metronidazole or Acidfied Copper Sulfate.
Both fowl pox and canker are contagious. However, canker causes birds to be carriers for life.

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