Lurker with ID Question


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 12, 2011
Hey yall,

I need to know what booger and henry are - we got them at TSC 15 weeks ago and they are larger than the other chickens. I know I have two EE, one Buff Orpington, one white-crested black polish (not from TSC - they were selling them on the side of the road and the wife HAD to have her), and one rode island red. These other two have me stumped because they are supposed to be hens, yet they look to be roosters, yet they don't have spurs or even the beginning of spur-bumps and they have not crowed and they have yellow feet with only a slight dark line down the middle of the leg and here they are-







And a magnolia from Mississippi to yall....

and on further inspection of that foot photo, I hope I am not seeing a spur bump....Yall like that nice chicken scar running down my hand?
x3 it looks like a male Dark Cornish to me. In pic 6 it also look like you have a girl Dark Cornish. My hen just hatched out 6 chicks crossed with an EE Rooster.
yep, after expert opinions were registered I looked up the cornish breed and the other two are not EE they are cornish hens...anybody want a couple of roosters?

Edit - we are working on letting them free range around the backyard and we let them out for a couple of hours a night while we are out there with them and there was a great blue heron that flew over and both (of what I now know to be roosters) alerted the hens and they all froze. That was a HUUUGE tip off....
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