M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

Oh, those 4 pekin ducks are afraid of the pond.
We can't get them in it. Crazy ducks.
In Tylertown, MS every first Saturday of each month there is a sell at the Walthall county Co-Op laying hens are typically 15 and roosters are about 10 this is usually for full grown birds. Last time I went a lady was selling white silkies. I also look on craigslist there are always all kinds of birds for sell sometimes roosters are free. I am still trying to find some birds myself mostly Delawares, Rhode Island Reds, and Barred Rocks so far I have not come across any one selling any. Happy Farming to you all
Well you can always check craigslist there are lots of different animals for sale there. I usually miss the sells because they start at 7 and end at 12 and once all the animals are sold they leave so my flow is a small eight with two roosters. I miss having one rooster Shundaclair is so mean and Saturday is a horny cock who likes knocking over food. UGH the life of a small time farmer.
Lol. I have just discovered at the first of this week, that one of my Buff Orpingtons is a cockerel. But he is a sweety. Hope he stays that way. I found someone who has silkies sorta near, and was going to go there today to look at/potentially purchase. But was not to be. Kids with school issues, etc. Everything in it's time. I believe there is a reason for everything. The delay is meant! Now if I can get the month old chicks to accept the two week olds without pecking/traumatizing them, I'll be happy. One thing at a time.
I've already posted here but it's been awhile and I'm just getting back in the game. Anyone around the Ocean Springs area of the coast? I'm just north of O.S.

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