M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

from north-east Mississippi. Glad you joined us!
Hey from Laurel! My poor chickens are so hot, and the forecast doesn't show it cooling off anytime soon - well, except the high is supposed to be down to 98 this weekend...we may have to pull out the sweaters and electric blankets!
Hey, y'all!

I'm from Quitman, lived in Mobile for twenty years, and then moved to Biloxi just in time for Katrina.

Just got chickens in June, and I currently have 2 RIR (1ea, wanna roo?), 2 Black Australorps (1ea - wanna roo?), three EEs (erm - wanna roo?), and six not-great-quality Black Copper Marans (want four roos?). Yeah, that's right, seven of those thirteen are roosters. Yay, me! They're 9-13wks old, and we'd always planned to have a dual-purpose flock, so it will work out. If they don't find anywhere else to live, then they'll join us for dinner.

A couple of days ago I got three hatchery-quality silver-laced Wyandottes, which I am very excited about - I got an egg from one of them the very next day! I'm trying to decide if I want to focus on BCMs or SLWs ... either way, I'll wind up looking for a good solid breeder. Anyone know of anyone who breeds either nearby?

Hey, MsDeb! Need to get up with you soon!

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