M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

We are PorterFive from Meridian MS (Chicken Geeks) LOL Actually we're computer geeks that love animals.

Jason and Jenny and 3 human offspring (7 girl, 10 boy, 13 girl)

11 Standards (3 Leghorns, 4 Wyandottes, 2 Stars, 2 Rocks)

7 Bantams (3 Brahmas, 2 Duckwings, 2 Wyandottes)

Four Dogs

Three Cats

...and recently a few mice in the feed

Let us know if you're close and we'll keep in touch.

Happy Chicken Raising!
Hello from Prentiss, Mississippi =) Sounds like you have large happy family. I am new to the feathery friends but am used to larger fur babies (cows) and a cattle dog (Apache, who has never worked cattle but thinks she is the best cattle dog ever).
Hey all. I'm in Southaven (northern tip near Memphis). One of my bonded pair girls passed yesterday and now I have a lonely girl. I'm looking for an approximately 1 year old girl to keep my remaining duck company. If anyone can help, please let me know!
Hello from Oxford, MS! We’re new to MS and chicken raising!

Currently have 4 guineas and 1 RIR rooster with 9 chicks on the way. Will have ROR, Barred Rock and Cinnamons. In the process of building a better coop!!!
Benton county MS. Red star, RIR, delaware, amerucana, EE, Rhode Island white, white rock, cucko Maran, welsummer, barnevelder, leghorn, speckled Sussex, buff Orpington, home brewed crosses, D'anver bantams. 140 + birds and enjoy them all.
Nice. My red sex links from McMurray (2017) have been the greatest birds, very friendly , huge eggs. My 2018's from them are a little more stand off ish and have more white feathering. I hatched some of my own crossing my rir with the delawares. Good looking birds, fairly friendly. We will see how they lay. Never had anaconas or minorcas.

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