M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

im very close to collinsville...i live in little rock ms...we have a lot of different breeds of chickens..buffs , americanas, games, black austrolorps, and some bantams....two horses, 4 dogs and a cockateil.

40 miles south of Tupelo.

NO chickens yet. I'll be looking for some purebred 4-6 week olds in a few weeks. Don't know what breed yet. Most likily Sussex or Welsummers.
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Hello am6199,

I'm from Magnolia! We have Domingues, 1 Rhode Island Red and a few mixed, 21 in all. The mixed are attending a freezer party on Memorial Day. Oh, and 6ea 2 week old guienia fowl!!!

Welcome to BYC!
Is there anywhere in Mississippi to get organic chicken feed??? I live in Meridian and have been searching around here but no such luck.
I'm in Jackson County (the Coast) and am quite new to keeping chickens. I love it, though. Their antics keep me laughing :)

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