M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

Welcome Ashsmith!!

Yeah, they are a hoot!!! or should I say a "cluck" ???

I love all the different noises they make while foraging............ and the cackle after egg laying....

sitting and watching them is so calming..........
I am looking for a rooster (>2 yrs old) for a breeding project. The chickens I already have are only 3months old. I can't have a project without the right rooster. He needs to have a small/low comb (rose, cushion, pea, walnut), no white/silver bloodlines. He can be a cross, but would prefer a single bloodline. Pet/hatchery quality is fine, as long as he has no major flaws that would show in his offspring (and of course no disease/illness). I posted a thread under the wanted section, but I don't know how well that is going to work, because I don't want to travel far for one rooster. I do have alternative, but he is of Game stock and I would like to use standard poultry so I won't have to keep the offspring male all in separate pens. I can't just order one chick, so any help would be appreciated.
Proud MSU Bulldog here from Tupelo MS.. well actually from Baldwyn, but living in Tupelo now. 10 Plymouth Rocks, 10 Rhode Island Reds, 10 Buff Orps. Hope everyone is doing great out there.. GO DAWGS...
Saying Hi from the Mississippi Delta... We have Blue Laced Red Wyandottes, Speckled Sussex, Delaware, New Hampshire Reds, Dominique, Partridge Rocks & a Buff Laced Polish.
You know, I'm curious... What all breeds do we have? Is there a way the OP could use a poll? Or someone could keep track? For the longest time I have thought and said that Mississippi is very behind breed wise, and had only the popular egg layers (Leghorn, Dominique, Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Australorps), Silkies, American Games, Old English Game Bantams, Easter Eggers, and mutts. All I've noticed so far is pretty poor in quality in terms of show wise (not meaning any disrespect to anyone). I based this upon observation, and how I could rarely find poultry breeders in MS unless it were the American games, so my Shamos and Old English Game Bantams (to get quality ones) were from out of state.

I have noticed an increase in breeds, such as people picking up frizzles and Cochins. And the occasional Sumatra from hatcheries or possibly here on BYC. But what else maybe lurking around I just haven't ran up on? It'd be nice to get some of the fellow Mississippians to have a conversation here and there, threads been in the dark for awhile.

Hi everyone! I haven't posted in a while. I am from Runnelstown. My breeds are....Silver-Laced Cochin Bantams, Silver-Laced Wyandottes, Speckled Sussex, Blue Cochins, Frizzles, Silkies, Golden-Laced Wyandottes, and mixed colored cochins. I like to see what color combos I can come up with (in the cochins).

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