Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches


7 Years
Jan 13, 2013
North Carolina
I have an established colony of Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. They make great feeders for birds and insects (or make perfectly fine pets). Willing to sell via bulk orders or breeding pairs (or same sex pairs for those interested in pets). Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches have little in common with the common American roach (and cannot survive outside of it's enclosure in most US climates, so no fears of infestations) and can be controlled quite easily (want to slow down breeding? lower the temperature and offer food less regularly). As pets or feeders they are very low maintenance; basically just put an apple in the tank and it will eventually disappear. Bedding can be offered but isn't necessary. If using bedding, dried autumn leaves are great and doubles as a food source. Aspen shavings work, as does newspaper, paper towels, or virtually anything non-toxic. They are self-sufficient to a degree and even 'clean' their own tank via eating waste (as long as you don't feed them excessively moist foods that mold) An apple a week or so will sustain a small colony.

As pets, the low maintenance is a great benefit. Hissing roaches cannot fly, or scratch, or bite so they can be handled by virtually anyone. They respond to 'petting' and will often lean in towards your hand/finger while being petted. They're interesting and educational, and their relatively large size (of about 3") allows them to be easily viewed without magnification (great for teaching about insects to young and old). Just like many stereotyped pets (rats, mice, snakes, insects, etc) they often win over their owners if given a fair chance (and if they don't, there's always the chicken's feed dish).

Flat rate of $.10/each except for breeding sets of adults ($5.00 for the set).
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Current breeding stock.

And a random FYI - They molt white and almost look albino (except no pink/red eyes or tint). Sometimes people try to sell them to you as a special breed. Don't buy them just because they're white. In a couple of hours, they'll be brown again.
I may have breeding sets around the 15th of this month. I wont have feeders for some time as I fill orders; but can likely get you a few to start a colony with if interested.
Hi my name is Brandi Gillett and I am looking for a big amount of cockroaches, and you say that they are .10 cents? How many are you willing to send at a time?
No longer raising these so have none to sell. Mealworm farming is easier and just as productive and my compost pile produces a healthy supply of black soldier flies; so the benefit of a virtually no maintenance production of treats has the hissing roaches put to the side. I still have specimens for a colony and may breed some in the summer again (prices will likely change as I introduce new species to my colonies), but until then - no new orders are being taken. Sorry, but will update as this status changes.
I don't know that I'll ever breed in bulk again. I may have breeding specimens of various roaches but realistically I won't be able to beat your local pet store prices as I'll likely focus on more unique breeds of hissing roaches rather than bulk quantities. If you have an immediate need of them, I'd recommend investing in a pair of breeding aged roaches and begin from there. You can find them for around $3-5/each online and in many pet stores.

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