Madame Pompadour just not that into the whole egg-laying thing...


Jun 11, 2021
Madame Pompadour is a 16 month-old Salmon Faverolles who has never been an enthusiastic egg layer. She started late at about 8 months and has never done more than about 3 per week. My understanding is that Faverolles are usually more prolific than that, and that they usually lay through the winter. But now she hasn't laid an egg in over a week and does not appear to be moulting. Her appetite and energy are the same as always, so I don't think it's likely she's sick or egg-bound. The only real change I can see is that she's slightly more standoffish, doesn't squat for me, and doesn't want to be handled. She's on lay pellets, but she also free ranges in the yard, and she gets fresh garden greens, soldier fly larvae and mealworms for treats.

Does anyone have any insight on this? Could this be a sign of an illness that isn't obvious? Or do I just have a temperamental hen that only lays eggs on her own terms? (She has a funny little personality, so I haven't ruled that out.)
Thanks, that makes me feel better. I had a sudden unexpected death back in January, and ever since then I worry at every little thing.

Funny - Madame Pompadour got her name at 1 week old, and she's certainly living up to it. She's very regal-looking, finds the coolest shady spot when it's hot, the driest spot when it's raining, the best snacks in the yard, and produces very few eggs... although she always looks great.

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