MadamPoofyBrow's Super Awesome Chat Thread!

That's one of my two dogs :-D he was very concerned, he kept looking at us like "that's not a chicken. You do know that's not a chicken, right? Why isn't it a chicken?"
Here's the turkey! He was advertised as a Royal Palm, but is actually a Penciled Palm, which I think is awesome, and probably better as he won't look dirty as easily. The poor little guy was in a coop living in mud and poop, with no bedding and no waterer. I guess he was drinking mud??? He was in a 5X10 dog lot with at least seven other turkeys, and is FILTHY. I wanted to get them all and save them from the horrors :hit His legs, feathers, under his wings, and his beak are caked with mud. I cleaned off his legs and beak before we got in the car with him. His tail is shredded and nasty from dragging the ground pacing in his tiny pen. The pic was taken before we cleaned out the coop. He is bigger than we thought and he couldn't go where we planned. He is now in a clean place, with food, acctual water, and I plan to give him a bath once he settles in. He is very sweet, and super cuddly. Despite everything, he looks and acts healthy. Just really, really, dirty. Name suggestions welcome and appreciated :) I'll get more pics soon, I didn't get many cause we were busy fixing him a place to be. Eventually he is going to free range but we're getting him totally tame (and quarantined) first :D
Idk about you,but I adore bible names. Ie:Moses,Elijah,Samuel,Jonah,Sampson,Cane,Abel,etc. are you looking for a specific kind of name? Like goofy or sweet?
I like fancy names :-D
I have a bible theme going with all my fish, have several including Moses Abraham and Jonah (my tree Betta boys)
We were thinking like some kind of name of a king or sknething, cause he's a royal plan :p
Napoleon Bonaparte? King Henry? Caesar Augustus? King Herod? :lau
I like using royalty names for some of my birds. I've got a Queen Eleanor, King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette. :lol: :rolleyes:
Jesus is a King!!!
ok girls I need your help! My hen has an extremely swollen right eye. A bit of pus inside. It's swollen shut. I gently opened it and her eye is still inside. I believe she also has pus coming out of her nostrils. This is super recent!!! I have a Soluable antibiotic called Oxytetracycline. I also have penicillin capsules. For human use. I can go to my feed store in the morning for anything I need for her. Should I attempt a warm compress? Help me help her and the rest of our flock! She's currently raising three chicks. Thanks my Bellas.
Is it clear and bubbly? If so, this bappened to one of my girls and it just cleared up. I gave her some save a chick from tsc. If it's yellow I would gently press around it until stuff stops coming out. The good thing is stuff like this isn't generally contagious or deadly.
Hopefully you'll get a better answer than I can give :-D
I'll pray for your hen!

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