Made a big mistake...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 3, 2013
Dallas, TX
I built a little mock roost bar for my chicks to sit and play on, but I think I made it too high. Two of the four loved it and would fly up onto it to greet me when I come in the room. But when checking on the babies tonight, I noticed that the most friendly chick who regularly flew up onto the roost was nursing an injured leg. She was laying on her side with the leg extended and then clutching it up whenever she tried to walk around. I picked her up and the leg doesn't have any visible abnormalities, but it's clear she strained it somehow. I think I made the roost too high and she hurt herself coming down. I watched her for a while - she's eating and drinking normally and seems to be able to put some weight on it. Only a few times I see her pulling up the leg like it hurts her, but she's still able to walk and move around. I removed the roost bar and I'm hoping it will heal with time. I feel like an idiot! The girls are so healthy and happy and this was such a dumb move. Anyone else nursed a chick with a hurt leg back to health?
Okay, after more monitoring it seems she's okay. Preening, eating, etc. Sorry to be an alarmist, I'm just so thrilled with my new chicks. I know there are some ppl on this forum that are of the "chickens are not pets" mantra, but these girls have quickly become a part of my animal family. I love their little personalities and I could watch them for hours!
Since she's acting normally, it would probably be best to just leave it alone, unless it bothers her more. If she starts getting even more lame or something, maybe put her in a smaller confined area. It's nice that you're keeping them as pets!
Good luck!

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