Magpie Call ducks.

Do you have regular ducks to? Wondering if call ducks act like normal sized ducks

To answer your question, although it's a tad bit late, call ducks and large ducks are exactly the same just different sizes. Although my calls are a lot louder than my large fowl Magpies, Muscovy's and Crested pekins they all have funny and different personalities. with my large ducks I get enjoyment out of their calmer and friendly personalities but my call ducks are a riot, always chatting up a storm, excite quickly, are more hyper active and it seems like there is always something going on with them. my calls aren't as friendly as my large ducks but when I hatch babies and hand raise them I get calls that can be very friendly. Good luck! hope it helped!! :)

OMGGGG those magpies!!!!!! I have been dying for magpie calls!!! fell in love with my LF magpies and have been looking for some ever since! a blue bibbed call male popped out of my ducks last year along with 2 blue fawns! one of my ducks from the 2012 hatch that I kept must have gotten a blue gene or something! so now I'm hoping since he conveniently paired up with my white hen that I will get some magpies or mixed something's at least!!!

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