Mahonri's 2nd Annual BYC EASTER HATCH. Post pics of your chicks!

Laree, it can be any hen. Turkey, guinea, pea, goose, etc. I am going to need help finding the hen in your pic. If you can point her out I will add the pic to the contest page. (you can even photoshop an arrow on the pic to her if you like and it would still be admissable!)
So to anyone else, if you have been holding back a picture of a strange place your bird has layed, go ahead and submit pictures of your girl!
I will PM the changes to SCG so they can be added to the list of contests
That hen looks pure evil, lol

NO DOUBT What did you say too her before you snapped that pic ?
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Laree I snagged the pic with the arrow (great minds think alike!) for your submission

For anyone who need to add an arrow to your picture so we can find your girl, please post both pictures like Laree did. The picture without the arrow and the one with the arrow.
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Sorry, busy busy week scrambled my brain.
Stinkeye contest ends NEXT week, my bad.

Ends Fri 8am CST, contest results Sat. AM, judging Friday.

Keep the entries coming and will update photos tonight.
I never candle untill lockdown, but beginning to suspect my Cornish project eggs are going to be a big disappointment. I'll replace the Cornish eggs as soon as I see more consistant results when I look for halos. [Three in a row looked good, followed by six obvious not fertile the next I looked
So I have been working 56-60 hr/wk + a 45 min commute. It's seriously putting a cramp in my chicken farming. Anyhow I'm miserably late entering my numbers but they are as follows:

Started with:
11 Silkies
14 Buff Orps
12 Olive Eggers
46 total
All shipped eggs

Candled last night and I'm down to:
7 Silkies
11 Buffs
12 Olive Eggers
37 total left

The Olive Eggers are difficult to candle since they are so dark. I don't feel 100% on how many are developing but I left them to be safe since nothing was stinky or obviously clear. My last hatch was pitiful but a good learning experience. I relocated the bator and temps seem to be well regulated now. Live and learn. Trying to be optimistic and look on the bright side, and since we only had 3 to hatch last time we were able to name them and spend more time with them so they are some advantages to having a smaller hatch. My son named them and they are "Blue, Muffin, and Tickle"

I would take a picture but I found the camera in the bottom of the bath tub with him last week. He's 2 so all I could do was laugh. Hopefully it will be operable by Easter!
Contest for the strangest place hens lay has now been updated to include any type of poultry.

Also please note that despite pictures pouring in, the best pullet/hen stinkeye picture is a contest for WEEK THREE, GUYS!! I know it seems like we set our eggs eons ago, but we're only in WEEK TWO.

I did notice this morning as I was hunting around for the link to look at the submissions for the stinkeye contest, that it's actually a WEEK 3 competition. But I feel like I did when I was a kid waiting for Christmas! I think this is the only time in my adult life that the calendar is moving so slowly!!!!
(Can you tell that this is my first hatch???)

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